All Better

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The week passed and I was free from the flu. Dad didn't go to work that whole week. Father went to work. Everything was back to normal.
"Paige school!"
"Coming!" I finally got to go to school yeah. I kinda wished I still had the flu. I don't want to go back.
"Paige are you even ready!" My father yelled
"Almost all I have to do is my makeup!"
"Oh my god Paige you are going to be late! I'm going to be late!"
I looked on my phone it was 7:05am school doesn't start until 7:45am and we kinda live close to my school.
"Father its only 7:05!"
"I know but I want you to be ready now!"
"Ugh. Why?!?"
"Cause I said so. That's why!"
I only had time to put on mascara. Not my normal makeup I do for school.

I came out of my bedroom. All ready for school. It was 7:10am.
"Well it's about time. Let's go!" My father said. I rolled my eyes I don't know what the big deal is about me be out of the door early.

Anyway we got into the car. Father talked to me during the car ride.

"So Paige if that art teacher of yours bothers you call me or you dad because what she said last time wasn't right. Okay?"
"Ok." I wasn't really listening I was to busy on my phone.
"Paige are you even listening to me?"
"No I was not, sorry."
Father made a noise of annoyance. We got to school, let just say I wasn't happy at all to be here.
"Well bye Paige."
"Bye father."
"I love you."
"Have a good day!"
"Bye!" I rolled my eyes and got of the car to some jocks outside were pointing and laughing at me. Fun way to date you day off, right?

"Well look who we have here." One of the jocks said.
"Hello Chris." I rolled my eyes.
"Which dad was that? The gay one or the gay one." They all laughed.
"Well aren't you funny. It was nice talking to you."
"Wait Paige we're not done here."
"Oh yes we are! Bye Chris."
He grab my arm.
"Let go!"
"Paige, what is Father's Day like for you?"
"Like how yours is probably."
"No because I have one dad."
"Oh my god just leave me alone."
"No, why would I do that. That's no fun."
"Because if you don't stop you will be sorry that you didn't."
"Ohhh I'm scared. And by the way your dad dresses like a man whore."
"No he doesn't!!"I started to cry.
"Oh look Paige is crying. Do you want your daddy or should I say daddies."
"Shut up!"
The conversations ended when I scratched his arm.
"What the f**k!"
He let go of my arm and I ran into the school screaming
"BYE BITCH!!" Holding up my middle finger.

I'm glad that's done. I went to my locker John was there.

"Hey Paige. Are you okay? You look like you have been crying."
"Hi John. Um it was just Chris no big deal."
"What did he do?!?"
"What, I don't want to talk about I just want to finish the school day. See you at lunch."
"Okay, Fine. See you at lunch."
I got my stuff and left for 1st period.
The first half of the day went by slow. I swear today was national make fun of Paige's dads day. Nobody would leave me alone. Then lunch came.

I waited for John so we can get our lunch together.

"Hey Paige!"
"Hi John. Let's go to lunch."

We got on line and just my luck Chris was there. He cut John so he could be next to me.
"Hello Paige."
"Do ever cut you nails?"
"Yes, But I let them grow out sometimes. So I can scratch dicks like you."
"Oh you just don't know when to stop."
"Stop what? Loving my life. Because I love it. I mean I just called you a dick."
"Well at least I don't have a messed up family, like yours."
John tried to but in.
"Hey Chris, stop being a dick to Paige. Just leave her alone."
"Shut up Homo!"
John looked shocked. Then just went on his phone. He sent me a text message.

John: sorry Paige I tried to help, but he called me a homo and I just didn't want worse names being thrown at me. Luv u💞

"Chris just leave, I want to get and eat my lunch in peace."
"No why would I do that."
"Because I ask you."
Chris just laughed. I left the line. I couldn't deal with this anymore so I went to call my dad.

"Paige where are you going?" John asked.
"To call my dad."

I left for the bathroom. Which was empty, which was just my luck cause I felt like I was going to cry.

I put in my dads number and called. It was ringing.

"Hi Paigey!"
"Hi dad." I had tears in my eyes.
"Paigey you sound sad what happened? Are you okay?!?"

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