The meeting

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The phone was answered.
"Hello is this Mr.Feldman?"
My father on the other side of the phone call.
"Yes this is, May I ask who this is?"
"Hi, this is Ms. Brushy the art teacher at your daughter's high school."
"Hello, Ms. Brushy is there a problem with Paige?"
"Yes there is, she is not doing her work."
"I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound the the Paige I know."
"Well why don't you come down and we can talk."
" I guess I will be right there"

"You father will be right here."

Great just what I wanted to do today.
Have my father come to school because of some stupid project.
My father arrives.

"Hello Mr. Feldman."
"Hello, Hi Paige"
"Hi father, sorry."
"Paige don't say sorry I don't even know what happened."

"Well I can tell you what happened." Ms. Brushy said. "In art class we are going to make tress out of clay and craving names of family members in the branches, like a family tree."

"Okay, so what does that have to do, with Paige she has a family." My father explains
"Ms. Feldman isn't doing the project correctly, she isn't following the directions."
"First of all it's FeldmanBrown, and what isn't she following?"
"There is no part of the tree for her mother."

"Well she doesn't have a mother." Father says with a raised eyebrow.
"Everyone has a mother, Mr Feldman."
"Not my daughter, unless you count Whizzer as the mother." He says with a laugh.
"Mr. Feldman, Paige couldn't have come out of you or your husband."
"No, she didn't she came out of a woman, who carried her and then gave her to us and we never saw the woman again."

"She still needs a mother side, on her tree."
"She doesn't have to take this class she can take another one if she can't do a stupid project because her family is different from what you would call a normal family!" My father started to raise his voice.

My father has an anger management issue. He can't hold his temper.

"No she doesn't have to take this class anymore, but I suggest you take her home and talk to her."
"About what that she isn't normal or that she needs to meet her mother! Cause that is not happening Ms. Brushy!" My father was pissed. "We are leaving Paige let's go, you can stop at your locker!"
I went to my locker and just my luck John was there because he forgot his English folder.

"Hey Paige, why are you getting your backpack, so early?"
"Oh, I'm leaving school."
"I will tell you later John."
"Oh by the way, I decided that I'm going to tell my parents that I'm gay!" Just as John said that my father was at my locker. "Oh hi Marvin, I uh...was just talking about"
"That you are gay, I figured it out last year." Father laughed "When you are gay you have a really good gaydar."
"Really? Well do you think I should tell-"
" Trina and Mendel, you should how long have you been out?"
"2 years, Paige was the first to know."
"Yeah, you should. Well we have to go bye John."
"Bye Marvin, bye Paige!"

Well now father knows John is gay and Trina and Mendel will know tomorrow.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now