That morning

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I woke to the Sound of a knock on the door I get up thinking it's dad. Father wakes up too. I open the door.
It wasn't dad it was Mendel.
"Oh sorry Mendel, I thought you were someone else."
"Paige is your father or dad here?"
"Just father."
"Can you get him please also wake up John?"

"Father Mendel is here!"
"Okay Paige."
My father walks out with bags underneath his eyes. His eyes red and puffy and tear marks are on his face.

"Hello Marvin, what the hell happen to you?"
"Nothing." Mendel knew it was a lie but didn't want to have Marvin say stuff if he didn't.

I woke John up and he want straight to the front door.
"Hey John how are you doing?"
All Mendel got was a hug which made him smile.
"Let's go home John."
"Bye Marvin, Paige thanks for letting me stay, oh and tell Whizzer I said thank you!"
"Bye John." I said my Father just waved.

"So Paige I believe dad is supposed to be coming home today."
I just nodded I was scared the way my father looked so I decided to go next door.

"Paige where are you going?"
"Just for a walk I will be back!"

I left.
I get to our neighbors apartment. Charlotte and Cordelia's place.

I knock on the door and Cordelia answers.

"Hi Paige!"
"Hello Delia! Um is my"
"Yes he is. I will get him!"
"What?!?"My dad said
"The door is for you!"
"If it's Marvin tell him to f**k off!"
"It's not Marvin!"
"Then Who is it Delia!"
"Why don't you see for yourself!"

My dad walks out as soon as he sees me he runs and hugs me.

"Hi dad!" I hug him back.
"What are you doing here, did your father hit you!" He look mad at that thought.
"No he didn't I just missed you, I couldn't sleep last night."
"Paigey I'm so sorry."
"So I went to sleep in your bed."
"Paige Annabeth FeldmanBrown, you did what!"
"Yeah father let me sleep with him."
"Paige I told you to stay away from him!"
"Dad, he is a mess, he cried himself to sleep, he woke up with red puffy eyes bags and tear marks on his face."
"Yeah dad."
"Delia, I'm going to go tell Charlotte I said thank you."
"Sure thing Whizzer Bye!"

We left to go home.
I didn't notice till we where leaving that my dad had a red hand print on his face, wow my father must of really hit him.

We are home. I walk in with dad to find father on the couch drinking whiskey.

Dad whispers to me "You were right, Paige he is a mess."

"Whizzer! Baby I'm so sorry!"
They kiss even though his breath probably smells like whiskey.
"Let's go clean ourselves up."

I love my dads.

Later that day we all sat and watched some tv I fell asleep snuggling up against my dad.
Marvin and Whizzer talked. (Whizzer's pov)

"Is Paige asleep?" Marvin asked
"Yeah. She is so cute when she sleeps."
"Just like you Whiz."
"Marvin do you remember when Paige was little?"
"How could I not, she was just like you. Sometimes I think you never mixed our sperm together. That you just used yours."
"No she can be an ass sometimes and she gets that from you."
"She is a smart ass like you Whiz!"
"I am not a smart ass!"
"Yes you are!"
I laugh, I hate my laugh but Marvin says it's the cutest laugh ever. Though when I laughed I tried not to wake Paige up.

"Should we move her into her bed like we use to do?"
"No Whiz, she is too big for that."
"Really cause she still looks little to me Marv."
I tear up at the sight of Paige sleeping. Marvin says she looks like me but I She Marvin in here which makes me happy.

"Whiz, you Okay!"
"Yeah my face just hurts."
"I'm sorry."

Marvin kisses me and just like that Paige woke up.

"Yes Paigey?"
"Can you carry me to my bed?"
"Paige aren't you a little to old for that." Marvin said
"No she isn't Marv. Yes I can."

I pick Paige up she isn't heavy at all I carry her to her room, Marvin follows.

"Goodnight Paigey." I kissed her on her forehead. The Marvin goes up to her and kisses her and her cheek.
"Night Paige."

"Shall we cuddle Whizzer Brown?"
"Yes we shall Marvin Feldman!"
We go to sleep cuddling on the couch as the movie Titanic plays in the background.

Marvin wakes up kisses me and pulls me closer.

God I love him.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now