John's Here

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"Hey Paige!" John hugged me. Mendel waved
"Hi Paige."
"Hi John, hi Mendel."
"John just text me or your mother to tells us when to pick you up. Remember it's a school night so not to later."
"Okay dad. Bye." Mendel hugged John.
Mendel left.

"Dad, father John is here!"
"Hello John."
"Hi Marvin , thanks for having me."
"No problem John, you are welcomed here anytime. How is your mom doing with you?"
"Okay She is still getting used to it."
"That's Trina for you!"Dad yelled from the kitchen, then came out to say hi.
"Hey John."
"Hi Whizzer."
"Can John go in my room?"
"Yes, he won't do anything to you, after all he is gay." Dad laughs
"Okay come on John." John and I left for my room.
"Okay so Paige what did Chris do. I felt bad for the lunch thing, but what did he do in the morning that you looked like you were crying." John asked me.
"He was being a dick. Like always." I really didn't want to tell John everything. I knew through that John won't stop bugging me if I didn't tell him.
"He Just is being a dick John."
"Yeah but how? How Paige? How is he being a dick?"
"You sound like your father when you say that."
"Oh, shut up." He laughed. "But anyway what did he do to you Paige I want to know. If I have to have my gay ass kick his ass."
"He, um, well when my father drop me off at-"
"DINNER!" Dad yelled. Perfect timing I wasn't ready to tell John.
"I guess I will tell you after dinner. Let's go."
We left my room.
"What's for dinner dad?"
"Ugh, really didn't we just have that."
"It the only thing your dad is good at cooking." Father laughs.
"Hey shut up. I would like to see you cook for your family, Marvin."
"Ok, let's sit. John what would you like to drink?"
"Uh, water is fine."
"Ok, Paige?"
"What would you like to drink pain in the ass."
"What She is."
"And she gets it from you." Father just rolled his eyes.
"I would like water too."
"Water too, what?"
"Oh my god. Please. Are you happy now?" John looked like his was about to laugh. I mean our dinners are probably more entertaining then the ones at his house.
"Yes I am. Thanks for asking."

We all sat down for dinner. Father kept on talking to John. While dad just kept on looking at me with a sad face.
"What?" I ask my dad.
"Paige, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay Dad."
"No it's not. I feel so bad that this happened just because of me and your father. You shouldn't have to live like this because of our life choices. Some kids learn from their parents what's right and wrong, but what some parents teach is just is wrong and rude." Dad started to tear up.
"Whiz, baby it's okay. Paige is fine."
"I guess I just want my Paigey to be safe."
"And she is and will be."

And just like that dinner was over and me and John went back into my room.

"Thanks for the dinner, Whizzer It's was delicious."
"Your welcome John."

We left.
We got back into my room.
"Okay Paige back Chris. What did he do? And hurry I have to leave in an hour."
"Fine if you really want to know. When my father dropped me off Chris and the others laughed. Then he asked me which dad that was the gay one or the gay one. I just tried to ignore them but he grab my arm and then it was just bad."
"That's so bad Paige. I'm so sorry that, that happened to you." John hugged me then we went out of my room to find father and dad sitting together on the couch.

"Hey father?"
"Yes Paige."
"After John leaves I want to talk to you and dad about today."
"Yeah sure, honey we can do that."
The door bell rings.

"That must be?"
"My mom."
Father opens the door. To reveal Trina standing there to pick John up.
"Hey Trina."
"Hi Marv."
"John your mom is here."
"Coming." John hugged me "bye Paige, hope everything gets better."
"Bye John and hopefully everything does."
"Hey Mom."
"Hi John. Ready to go."
"Yes. Thanks for having me Marvin and Whizzer."
"No problem John, we love having you over." Dad said from the couch.
"What Marvin. I want to go home."
"Did Jason talk to you?"
"About what?"
"Never mind."
"Can I Go now?"
"Yes. Bye Trina."
"Bye Marv."

And they left.

"Okay Paige ready for the talk you wanted to have."
"Yes. Can we do it in the living room."

We sat in the living room and I started to talk to my dads about the day in full detail. Well almost full detail.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now