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I walk to my locker where I'm greeted by my gayest best friend John Weisenbachfeld. You guess it the son of my father's ex wife and her husband Mendel.
"Hey John."
"Hey Paige listen I need advice."
" about what" I roll my eyeballs because knowing John it's something about Kevin the boy he likes.
"Um...this Friday our family dinner at your house I was thinking I should finally tell my parents that I'm gay."
"You really think you should because knowing Trina, god only knows what she will do or say,"
"I mean I've been out of the closet for 2 years almost and I haven't told them. My mom thinks I'm dating a girl."
"Well maybe you sho" I was interrupted by the Bell for first period. "Well John we can talk at lunch I got to go to art and we are doing family trees so yay for me"

I hate do a family tree I makes my stressed. With my teacher going where is your mother on your tree. Then having students go she has two dads and laughing about it. I just hate it.
Art class:

"Okay students we are going to draw out our family trees I will come around to check on them" said Ms Brushy

She walks over to me, great I get ready for the question.

"Ms FeldmanBrown, where is your mother's side of the tree?" She says with an eyebrow raised.

"Don't you know she has two dads, she isn't normal." One of the jocks said and everyone started to laugh. I just looked down, I'm kinda use to this now, but I still hate it, they are so like little kids.

"Is this true Ms. FeldmanBrown?"
"Yes, yes it is I have two dads, Marvin Feldman and Whizzer Brown." After I said that I heard giggling, I thought I was going to be sick.

"That is no excuse Ms.FeldmanBrown, you still need to do the whole project like everyone else." Her voice was raised.

"But I can't I don't have a mother, I'm sorry."

"You had come out of someone Ms.Feldman!"

"It's FeldmanBrown!"
"Don't raise your voice at me !"

The bell rang.

"You stay here."
This was ridiculous it was only first period and I'm staying after of a class just because of my dads.

"I'm calling your parents, are any of the home?"
"Um" I didn't want to answer because father was home and he is the worst out of the two, but I had to answer with the truth. "My father is home."

"Which one?"
"Marvin Feldman" I said this with my heart in my stomach.

She dialed the number waiting for an answer.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now