Sick Days

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It was Monday. A school day. I was sick.

My father woke me up for school.
"Paige it time for school!"
"Father I don't feel so well."
"Come on Paige I don't have time for this!"
"Father!" I was coughing. Father came in with a thermometer.
I had a fever.
"I guess you aren't going to school today. I'm going to go call the school,"

I heard my father on the phone with my school.
"Hello this is Marvin Feldman I'm calling in regards of my daughter Paige FeldmanBrown. She will not be in today she has fever. Thanks I will goodbye."

Father walks back into my room.
"Paige I have to go to work, feel better."
Father gives me a kiss on my cheek.

Father leaves for work.
Dad wakes up goes in to the kitchen when all of a sudden he heard me coughing.

"Paige is that you?"
"Yeah Dad."
He comes into my room.
"Oh Paigey are you sick."
"Yeah I have a fever so father called me in sick."
"Poor Paigey, If you need anything honey just yell for me, and if I don't answer right away yell Whizzer. I won't get mad but that always gets my attention."
"Ok Dad."

5 minutes later
"Dad!" No answer "Dadddd!!" Still no answer. "Whizzer!" I felt so weird to say my dads real name instead of dad, but he still didn't answer. I need something cold to go down my throat. I couldn't get up It hurt to move my body.
"Whizzer Brown!!"

And just like that I heard a "Yeah Paigey!" Coming from the living room.
Dad was so interested in project runway that he was ignoring me.
He comes into my room.

"Dad I have been calling for like what seems like forever."
"I'm sorry Paigey, I was just so into Project Runway that I didn't hear you until I heard Whizzer Brown. What do you need?"
"I need something cold to go down my throat."
"Like water?"
"Yes please."
"Okay I will go get you some."
He kisses me on the forehead.
"Oh my god Paigey you are burning up I have to call your father!"
"But what about the water."
"In a minute Paige, Okay?"

Dad left to call father, but first he took my temperature and it was 103•F.
"Holy shit, I'm definitely calling Marv!"
Whizzer calls Marvin at his office. (Marvin's pov)

God I hate work. I hate my job. I hate my boss. I hate everyone I work with.
In the office it is always boring. I do however have a picture of Whiz which makes me happy and smile and I picture of Paige. Also the cutest picture ever which is Whizzer and I holding Paige as a newborn. But I still hate the office.

The phone rings. Great just what I wanted to do today talk to someone. I pick up the phone.

"Hello, Marvin Feldman how may I help you?"
"Why isn't Marvin FeldmanBrown?"
"Whiz! Hi baby!"
"Hey Marv."
"How is Paige doing?"
"That is what I was calling about."
"Is she okay? Whiz what happened?!?"
"So was going to get her water but first i kisses her forehead."
"And she felt like she was burning up."
"Did you take her temperature, Whiz?"
"Yes, um What was her temperature this morning?"
"It was I wanna say 99.9•F."
"Marv, her temperature when I just checked it was 103."
"Oh my god!"
"I know I don't know what do! Has Jason ever had a high fever?"
"Okay Whizzer calm down. Yes Jason has and Trina and I well really Trina but besides the point. Took him to urgent care and we found out he had the flu."
"I hope Paige doesn't have the flu. Do you know how many kids have died from it?!?"
"Yes Whiz, But they were all young like 6-12. So Paige should be fine. Just take her to urgent care."
"Marvin can you come?"
"I don't know Whizzer I have a lot of work and my boss is constantly checking to see if I'm doing work."
"Please Marv. I'm sure they will understand. I mean your daughter has a 103 fever. Just at least ask please."
"Fine I will try Whiz but know promises. Text me if you are at urgent care and if I can I will meet you and Paige there. Okay?"
"Okay, Bye Marvin. Love you."
"Love you too Whizzer Brown."
I made a kissing noise through the phone.

After the phone call I want to my bosses office. I knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
I went in.
"Uh hello Marvin."
"Hello Mr. Scott."
"Marvin please call me Jeff."
"Okay, hello Jeff."
"What do you need." He said sounding annoyed.
"May I take the rest of the day off. I need to leave work like now."
"And Why is that?"
"My daughter Paige is home sick and has a 103 fever and my husband is taking her to urgent care and I would like to go with them to make sure she is okay."
"103 fever?"
"That seems bad yes Marvin you can but tomorrow you will have to work late. Understand?"
"Yes, Jeff."

I left work to go to urgent care.
Text messages between Whizzer and Marvin.

Whizzer: Are you coming???

Marvin: yes. Just leaving work now.

Whizzer: Okay Good! Cause I'm scared and I don't want to get Paige scared.

Marvin: Whiz, everything will be alright!

Whizzer: Okay Trina whatever you say! 😂

Marvin: shut up!!!

Whizzer: oh look who finally learned how to use emojis!!

Marvin: Goodbye Whizzer see you at urgent care.

Whizzer: Bye Marv! Luv u😘

Marvin: love you too!!

I arrived at urgent care after trying to find a spot that took 30 minuets to park in.

I see Paige. She is as sick as a dog.

I didn't Amit to anybody but I was so scared she looked worse then what Jason ever looked like when he was sick.

I meet them in the waiting room for urgent care. Paige wrapped in blanket, Whizzer trying to make her feel a little better and me just watching the two of them.

Whizzer and Marvin's Paige {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now