Fighting and the Flu

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"Paige has the-"

"The what. Say it already!"
"Marv he just needs to say it."
"The flu Mr and Mr FeldmanBrown."
"Shit!" Both of my dads said.
"It isn't that bad she just needs a week of rest medication and water."
"Okay so one of us has to be home at all times with her? Because I have work everyday from 6:00am to 7:00pm and he has sometimes has work a couple of times a week."
"Yes just because she should be in bed for a week."
"Okay, so we will have to figure that out."
"Here is a list of things to eat and drink during the flu."
"Thank You Doctor, Marv are you going back to work today?"
"Well Mr and Mr FeldmanBrown I have medication that you will need to pick up. You may leave."
"Bye Doctor. Thanks for everything." My dad said once again shaking his hand.

The Doctor left and so did we.
We went home.

I went into my room to lay down.
"Hey Paigey do you need any water?" Dad asked
"Yes please."
Dad left to get water then came back and gave me my water then left to talk to father.

Father and Dad has another fight.
How the fight started. (Marvin's pov)

I told Whizzer to come into my little office at home, so we could talk about who will be missing work for a week to help with Paige.

"So Whiz you are taking the week off right?"
"No, Marvin I can't I have a big photoshot to do and I can't miss it."
"What Marvin I can't I'm sorry but you have to take the day off. Just call in sick."
"Whizzer I can't my job supports us!"
"Oh and mine doesn't!"
And at that moment I said something I regretted. I do that a lot. Mendel tried to help me with that before I left him."
"That's because yours isn't a real job!"
"Excuse me! My job pays. How many boyfriends have you had that had their photos in a magazine!"
"I can't believe you said something like that! Like what my father would say!"
I knew I really hurt Whizzer if he said I was like his father. Whiz doesn't really talk about his family. All I know was that his father was very strict and sometimes abusive. After all his father did kick him out when he found out Whiz was gay.
"Whizzer what day can't you miss?"
"Oh so now you care! I can't believe you Marvin! I will miss work!"
"No Whiz. I will miss work."
"No Marvin it fine! It's not like I doing something like People's magazine!"
"Whizzer! I said I will miss work!"
"No Marvin! I will f**king miss work cause if you do we won't be able to pay for stuff!"
"F**k you Marvin!"
"Whiz you don't understand."
"Oh what don't I understand. That you are better then me because you have a real job!"
"My boss is giving me a hard time-"
"Oh sure he is." Whizzer voice had annoyance in it.
"Whizzer let me finish! Since I miss some of work today I have to work late tomorrow. So if I miss a day I get a day out of my vacation."
"Sure you do!"
"Marvin you go to work I will stay home and take care of your daughter! Who apparently isn't more important then work!"
"Whizzer Brown!" I was pissed why would my own husband think that I think that work is more important than Paige.
"Where are you going!"
"I'm going to go call People magazine and tell them I can't come on Wednesday!"

And just like that Whizzer left my office giving me the middle finger. I felt like a jerk.
Paige's pov:
Dad came into my room looking like he was going to cry. I tried to talk.
"Dad are you Okay?"
"Yeah Paige, it's just something about your father. Just don't worry about it."
Dad goes over to making sure I'm okay. "Paige honey, have you felt like you need to throw up?"
"Just a little bit but I haven't."
"Okay. Well I will be here all week for you honey. Love you." Dad went over and kissed me.

Then father came in.
"Hi Paige, how are you feeling?"
Father just laughed.
"That is something your dad used to say when he was in the hospital."
"Father did you and dad fight again?"
"Paige, you just worry about yourself, not me or your dad."
"Okay. Father?"
"Can you get me something to eat?"
"Like what?"
"Maybe an ice pop."
"Ok if you want an ice pop you will have an ice pop."
"Thanks father."
"No problem Paige." He gave me a kiss on my check then left to get me an ice pop.
I heard no talking. I guess my dads were giving each other the silent treatment. Father came back with my ice pop.
"Here you go Paige."
"Thanks father."

I could tell that something bad happened not as bad as last time but something bad did happen because when it was dinner time I use all the strength in my body to go sit at the table. Dinner tonight was worse the last family dinner.

"Paige honey it's time for dinner I made chicken soup for you!" My dad yelled
"Okay I'm coming."
"Do you need any help!"
"No dad I'm fine."
I go to sit at the table for a silent dinner. Once in my a while father would talk to try to make things better but he wasn't.
"So Paige I will pick up your medication after dinner." My father said as he picked up his spoon.
After that silence filled the air.
All that was heard was the clanking of spoons hitting the bowls.
"Whizzer can you pass me a napkin please?"
"I'm sorry are you talking to me or is there another Whizzer in here who might have a better job."
"Whizzer! Enough. Just give me a f**king napkin!"
Dad passes father a napkin. Then dad spoke to me.
"So Paige, I will be staying with you all week like I said before because I'm not that important." Father had his hands in fists. "I'm sorry is something bothering you or is it just that you hate your husbands job."
"Whizzer Brown! I'm sick of this! Thanks for dinner, but I'm going to my office then to bed! And Whizzer don't even think about sleeping with me you will be on the couch!"
Father stormed out. Dad just looked at me.

"Yes dad."
"You May go to your room and sleep now."
I left. After I left my father went into his bedroom without my dad. Dad spent the night on the couch sleeping.

And just to think this all started because of the flu.

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