A/n: I Was Tagged

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Uh, hi! I was tagged!?

I was tagged by CatRat1234.

Now, I'm gonna let you know two things:

1.) I don't know how to save pics to my phone, so I'm just gonna type.

2.) I'm not sure if I know 20 accounts, so I may or may not get that many.

Let's get started, I guess?


Q: Who is your crush?
A: I don't really have one. Yet.

Q: What is your middle name?
A: Elise. I dunno why this is important.

Q: How tall are you?
A: About 5'3"?

Q: What is your shoe size?
A: It varies depending on the kind of shoe I need. How is this relevant?

Q: What is your eye color?
A: Green.

Q: When is the last time you cried?
A: Last night, when I was thinking about how bad I am.

Q: What is your biggest fear?
A: Losing control. Other than that? Myself. Yeah, I scare myself so much.

Q: What is the last song you listened to?
A: An Undertale remix of "Stronger Than You," Pacifist version.

Q: Who is the last person you texted?
A: My bestie in real life. I'm gonna tag her, so...

Q: What is your favorite app?
A: YouTube. Enough said.

Okay, the people I tag are:


Tag, you're it!

That is way far away from the 20 I should have.

I am so bad at using social media.

I feel like real life friends are a little more important.

Oh well. Hope this suffices.



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