Chapter 10: Golden

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Hello, everyone! I am going to try to get back on a steady schedule of writing now, at least every other day. I hope that I can keep up with it. Back to the story!!!


(6:09 am, on Thursday, September 14th, 2018)

Rascal's Perspective:

"Hm hm hm hm hmmm..." I softly muttered to myself.

This work was getting tiring.

Not that us Shadow minions could ever get tired, or not normally, anyway.

I had been in my room, or rather, a pocket-dimension within the Shadow Realm, for the past few hours, scouring the ancient tomes of magic I stole from Brooha, looking for the specific facts I needed.

Ah yes, I smiled. Here it is...


Yo-kai are demons from Japanese legend. They are most commonly portrayed as animalistic creatures in various forms of art and literature.

They can be of any kind of animal, with the most common being strong animals like foxes or wolves, and the least common being weaker animals like weasels or rabbits.

However, should someone rip a Yo-kai from their spiritual realm, they will appear in the physical world as an anthropomorph of whatever animal they were.

This would take a lot of power, even for a large group of people to achieve, never mind a single person.

They can then be converted into a different kind of monster, or even something less threatening, like a domesticated animal. For example, a pet dog or cat. A very powerful being could even turn a Yo-kai into a human with free will, though that would be draining.

For the most part, they will not remember their life as a Yo-kai, should one use the correct spell.

This can be damaging to a Yo-kai turned human. It is recommended that one does not use a memory wiping spell on a Yo-kai turned into a human. It would be better for the Yo-kai to remember their former life than to have problems using magic.

(A/n: Not sure if that's acurate to myths at all. However, that will be how it works in this story.)


I tossed the heavy book across the room.

It crashed against the wall and landed on the floor with two loud thuds.

"Problems using magic, pfft... haha!!! My little daughter (Y/n) will have no problems taking down the Glitter Force!"

I looked at the clock: 6:12. "Oooh! Speak of the devil... (Y/n) should be up by now! Even if the spell hasn't worn off yet, I am sure that she will be ready to train once she wakes up! Ha ha!"

Brute mumbled from the other side of the dimensional door, "Who's he talking to...???'

"I'm talking to myself, Brute, to give myself a firm purpose of being later on! Wha ha ha!" I loudy sing-songed.

I levitated out the door, shutting it behind me with my cards.


(6:14 am, on Thursday, September 14th, 2018)

Your Perspective:

You opened your eyes to see your father looking at you curiously.

You jumped a little. "Oh! Good morning, father!"

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