Chapter 3: Centuries

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A/N Italics are in Latin. 

Jeremy POV 

When I woke up it was night time and everything was quiet. I sat up taking in my surroundings and noticed some things that worried me. Everything was quiet meaning no buzz of electricity or cars or anything. Then there were what I could see everything looked like it belonged in the past and when looking at the clothes I wore they did too. Next was that everything was clear of pollution, the air making making it easier to see the stars in all their beauty. 

Oh shit I'm in Ancient Rome!!!

Gawking at my surroundings I heard the noise of horses pulling along a carriage and a whip cracking to get them to move quicker. By the distance I thought I heard them coming from I wouldn't have time to hide since I was in what looked like a huge town square. 

"Hey you What's your matter of business here at such a late hour?" Said a man in thankfully a languages I was fluent in, Latin (Bonnie taught me so I could help her translate spells). I froze shocked and scared, what the hell wss I suppose to say?!!

"Just passing through the square don't mind me" I Said raising my handsome in a sign of peace trying to act casual. They looked at me suspiciously before the man infront who had originally spoken to me nodded to his companions who jumped down from their horses holding some rope preparing to restrain me. Oh shit. 

When the first man approached me I kicked his guy and he fell backwards from the unexpected blow landing on his ass but his companion was quick to attack. He punched my face and I staggered back before retaliating and punching him back. Unnoticed by me the other guy stood up and came up behind me and when I drew my arm back for another punch he grabbed my arm dragging it behind my back tying my elbows together behind me. Kicking out I managed to get away from them before they tied my legs and ran as fast as I could without falling which wasn't fast enough as horses with their riders started to circle me leaving me with no escape. 

"Guess instead of being a slave we'll put him  with the other fighters for a tournament in thy emperors coloseum" Said the first guard, Great now I'm gonna have to fight an animal or some dudes who know how to fight void this day get any worse. Being hauled into the cages cart I was sat among 2 others both young boys who seemed scared. Moving as much as my restraints aloud me I moved between the boys to comfort them which they gladly accepted. 


It was now mourning and we was only just being unloaded from the cart. Over the course of the night me and the 2 Young's boys were joined by 2 teen girls and an older man. The girls were frightened and cried praying to God or whatever whilst the man sat silently crying. The boys had fallen asleep not long after I'd joined them, tired from crying so much. I was sat trying to sleep but my mind wouldn't stop working as I thought about my current predicament and if Bonnie had told Elena and if they were trying to find a way to bring me home. 

As we were unloaded we were separated into different groups, me and the older man in one whilst the 2 teens girls went with the young boys. The boys cried as they were taken away trying to reach out to grab me hoping I could protect them and I was doing so since they wouldn't want to go where I was going. We were led inside the coloseum and through some corridors and down some stairs until we got to a cage where others were all tied up piled on top of each other complaining. The older man was let in straight away but I was led over to the centre of the room where there were multiple cages all holding men of different races and ages. 

My arms untied and since theguard momentarily turned his back I took the opportunity and wrapped my arms around his neck tight enough to choke him. Eventually other guards noticed and just as the guard I had fell unconscious others came and restrained my arms tying them in the rope that was dangling above my head. Whilst that was going on the other prisoners cheered at me telling me to snap his neck or choke him to death. They moved back and started shouting at the prisoners to calm down as I stood with my arms above my head with little room to move. 

"Look buddy what the hell do you want? Just lock me in a cage already or to the areana for all I care" I Shouted at the guards after 5 minutes of silence. Next thing I know a whip was raining down blows brutally on my back. Beaten until my back was bloody I was left dangling the ropes pulling at my wrists painfully as my legs could no longer support me. Locking me unrestrained in a dirty cage with other prisoners who quickly came to my aid even though in a few hours we could possibly be fighting to the death. 

"Grab the first contestants we want a show" Shouted one of the guards to the others a few hours after me being beaten raw. "Make sure he's there the incompetent fool" said the bald man pointing at me before leaving probabaly to get weapons for us all. 

Great not even a day in Rome and I was going to die. 

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