Chapter 15: How You Remind Me

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Jeremy POV 

"So Why do I have to wear these clothes?" I asked Bonnie as I finally adjusted to speaking English again. I still spoke slowly and had to pause sometimes to think of what the word was but since I still understood the language it was pretty easy to start speaking it again, although shakily. 

"Because these are clothes worn in today's society we aren't in Ancient Rome anymore Jer" she replied and I frowned. No we weren't. 

Bonnie had told me all that had happened and with the reasoning it was easy not to be mad at the girl infront of me or the others. I was Elena's only other family and she didn't know how long I was in Rome for, to her it was merely 10 days. And now I was ripped away from everything I knew but I'm sure with time I can...... adjust. 

"There still uncomfortable" I replied to the girl and she chuckled before grabbing my arm as we made our way downstairs. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a cotton t-shirt and yeah the top was more comfortable than what I'd wear in Rome no complaints in that department but the jeans were scratchy and itched my legs and they were very restricting. "What happened to my armour?" I asked her and she realised I had no idea where it was. 

It wasn't the armour I was particularly bothered about it was the drawings I had inside of it. She pulled some worn paper from her pocket and handed them to me. "No ones looked at them don't worry, we thought since they were in your armour they might be private" she told me and I smiled in thanks to the girl. 

Unfolding the less worn piece of paper I smiled as I saw the most recent drawing I did of my family. My smile soon turned into a frown and I stopped in my tracks on the middle of the stair case in the Boarding house. Bonnie apparently noticing I was no longer walking next to her stopped and turned around. I sat down as I studied the faces of my children and my loving wife. 

"Jer, you okay?" She asked me coming to sit by my side. I held out the paper for her to see and she frowned when looking at it. "Who are they?" She asked and I smiled genuinely, there was nothing I was more proud of than my family. 

"The women is Titia, my wife" I started and I saw Bonnies shoulders slump slightly probably because she felt guilty for bringing me back here. "This is my eldest daughter Elvorix, this is Mamercus, Servius, Mettius and Baebia" I said pointing out each of my children. 

"I'm so sorry we took you from them" she said holding onto the arm closest to me crying as she did so. Instead of replying I hugged the girls shoulders when I finally pried my arm from her vice like grip. 

"You didn't know, Bonnie. Don't blame yourself" I told her before standing folding the paper and putting it in the front pocket of my jeans (can't risk it falling out of the back) and help the young witch to stand. We made our way downstairs as Bonnie wiped her eyes from her crying. As we entered the main room which I first arrived in I saw everyone sat around looking guilty beyond hell. 

"Jer" Said Elena in a quiet voice like she wanted to apologise but didn't know where to start. Instead of just letting the girl sit in silence until it became awkward I made my way to where the girl was sitting. Everyone became tense probably due to my reaction to seeing her before but I just sat next to her pulling her into a hug. 

This show of affection from someone who should hate her, has every right to, made her sob in a mixture of guilt and relief. Guilt for taking me away from my wife and children but relief because she had her baby brother back and he forgave her, that's what family does I always forgave Camillus and he me when one of us did something stupid. 

"Hey guys did you get Jeremy back?" Said a voice from the door. It sparked some sort of recognition in me and I sat  up from my slouched position. 

"Matthew?" I questioned looking to Bonnie for reassurance but she was just looking at me probably wondering how I remembered him since I did recognise the others. 

"Jer?" Asked the blonde haired young adult when he appeared from the doorway. He looked at me like I was different and I suppose I was and I just looked at him, why did I remember him and nobody else? Not even my own sister but I recognised him by voice alone. "Thank god your back man but what happened to you?"

"I'd also like to know how you remember bus-boy over here?" Question Damon? I think. He seemed to sarcasticabd like he didn't like not getting his way, he seems like a dick. 

"Beats me but I think I sort of remember all of you" I said. It made sense I mean it could be possible in the depths of my mind that I remember them. I mean the beginning letter of my children's names all have something to do with one of my children. Elvorix for Elena, Mamercus for Matthew, Servius for Salvatore I'm unsure about Mettius and then Baebia for Bonnie. Not that I was going to elaborate on what I said even when they all looked at me expectantly. 

"So how do we go about explaining I'm not 16 anymore?" 

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