Epilogue: Thunder

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Jeremy POV 

"So how long has it been since you felt love, like actual love like with Titia?" Asked Caroline as we were all well on our way to tipsy in the Salvatore boarding house. 

"Probably since the life when I was Tatia's grandfather, I've felt familial love but most lives I was alone" I Said and Caroline smiled pitifully. "I have a sad sad life" I muttered laughing as I rubbed my face. 

"Nah you've seen a lot and it changes you" Said Bonnie and everyone nodded. "Besides you e got eternity to find love again, I'm sure you'll manage" She added to which Caroline cheered before pouring herself more wine. 

"When did you last see your family Jer?" Asked Elena so I thought, I ran when my sister was manipulating that kid, a few years older than me. He was probably like 23 now and I was 20 so since I was 13, I ran and hunted never looked back until I was 18 and saw my father again. 

"My brother it's been 7 years, sister also 7 years and my father I saw him last May" I Said and Elena sighed. I'm probably about to get the 'family is important you should see them more before you regret it' speech from Elena and maybe Alaric and Stefan will join in but my phone rang. It's my father sending me a text, hells frozen over. "Huh" I Said whilst reading the text, "interesting" 

"What?" Asked Damon looking at me suspiciously when he sat up from laying I felt of the fireplace. 

"My sisters dead, Haha Haha" I laughed as I read how she died since apparently that was important to my father. A werewolf killed her, ha karmas a bitch. 

"She's your sister and your laughing?!" Asked Stefan incredulously. 

"She was a psycho it's probably better she's dead" I Said before I stood up. "Does anyone know where I put my keys?" 

"Hall table" offered Damon. "Why?" He asked as I retrieved my keys. 

"Because I have a funeral to attend whilst pretending to help my father kill werewolves, lucky me" I Said before I left the house and headed to my car (1969 Ferrari Dino 246 GT in red).

"Need help?" Asked Alaric and I shrugged. 

"I'll be in touch" I shouted to the gang as I got into the car to drive away. 


Mystery POV 

"Do you think he'll show up?" Asked my wife as we organised the funeral for my sister. "She was his sister" 

"Yeah But he knew what she was doing and non of us listened, he hated her and Gerard" I said to her. It was going to be small, nobody wanted to attend a serial killers funeral. 

"Maybe Gerard passed the message along as managed to convince him" she offered trying to lift my hopes. 

"Doubtful I haven't seen Jo since he was 13, that's 7 years Vic, What's Allison going to think when her mysterious uncle how's up? She can't even remember him" I said to my wife. 

"He'll come" she said secure in that belief. "He's the best at what he does, he won't pass up what Gerard is offering" she said and I nodded. 

"He'll want revenge on the Hales, no doubt" I Said before Victoria left the room and I looked at the last photo I have of my younger brother. "Just depends if he'll kill us too" 

A/N so this has come to an end, no one probably cares but I was planning to make a sequel based around the mystery tv show plot of season 2 which you all better be able to guess, hope youv'e enjoyed this story and read the sequel. 

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