Chapter 16: A Thousand Years

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Jeremy POV 

After much debate it was decided that I would shave so I didn't have facial hair like a 16 year old would and I would wear baggy clothes so nobody could see the muscle I'd gotten from fighting in the Roman army. I was currently talking with everyone about what I'd missed or what I needed to know to keep up appearances. They told me I was interested in art and was kind of a punk kid, whatever that was. 

When they mentioned the art though I peeked up slightly. "You still like art?" Asked Tyler who also had an interest but not as much as me if I remember correctly. 

"Oh Yeah I made statues of Camillus and art for my home and Camillus' as well" I said smiling as I remembered the first time Camillus found out I actually had skill beyond killing people. Smiling at the memory I waved my hand to brush off everyone's wondering gazes. 

"Was I any good?" I asked to steer the conversation away from why I was smiling. Caroline then went on to say (rant) about how I was the best at art that she knew of an that she'd seen Klaus' art work and he'd been an artist for 1000 years. "So I'm guessing yes?" I asked sarcastically when Caroline finished her rant which I'm pretty sure she didn't even pause for a second or breath for that matter (does she need to breath? Being a vampire and all). 

"Did you do any coloured paintings of your family?" Asked Elena and I smiled nodding my head. I wished I could show it to them but it was back in Ancient Rome just a meural in the wall in my home and a similar one in Camillus' home. 

"Yeah I had these larger than life paintings done straight in the walls" I said smiling to her. 

"Why don't you do some life size ones here? I'm sure we could set up this room as an art studio for however long you need and get you a load of supplies and you can paint your family and Oh My God please Stefan? Damon?" Caroline began calmly but got slightly hysterical towards the end. I had to admit it was a good idea might help me get over the loss and distract me for awhile. But it all depended on if Stefan and Damon would agree since this is their house. 

Everyone and I mean everyone was looking to Damon with puppy deefa eyes cause let's face it Stefan would agree to anything. "Fine but there will be sheets to protect the rugs" Said Damon when he finally cracked. Even if he didn't agree Caroline would have just set everything up anyway. 

"Great Jeremy lets go get what you need" Said Caroline and next thing I knew I was in this weird moving box that had a circle which Caroline turned and the box turned as well, it was magic maybe Bonnie made it. "Jeremy what are you doing?" Asked the blonde haired vampire as I kept looking around the car curiously. My hand unconscious went to my hip where my sword usually was but I clenched my fist when it wasn't there. 

"What is this thing? Is it made by Bonnies magic?" I asked and Caroline did give me an answer but instead started laughing at me and had to stop the weird moving box from well moving. 

I don't get what's so funny. 


When we got back into the car (finally got an answer, a serious one, from Caroline) we drive back to the boarding house and I saw the others had spread the sheets out all over but nobody was in sight so I'm guessing they were going to leave me to it. 

"Do you need help making the canvases up or are you Alright doing it by yourself?" Asked Caroline and shaking my head she nodded before we said our goodbyes and she left me to get started. 

After making the wooden frames the correct size I laid to canvas material over them and nailed it in place before cutting it down. After repeating that 7 tines it was finally able to start setting my easel and paints up. 

It had taken an hour to make the canvases and as it went people occasionally passed through the house but never spoke to me as I was focusing on my work. I started with Titia. 

I thought back to a few years ago and it was Camillus' birthday so we were celebrating at his house and Titia looked astonishing in her vibrant green dress which had different shades of green. Her hair stood out against it and it complimented her delicate skin and green eyes, she looked magical. 

When I'd finished painting her dress and the bottom of her hair I heard Caroline's voice as it called my name from the front door. When she came into the room she paused in her step looking at my work like her breath was taken away. 

"Jeremy, it's beautiful" she said as she cane to stand beside me. I liked Caroline's company more than I did when I was in this time before from what I've heard. She reminds me so much of the man I call my brother that it hurts but they had their differences so it wasn't too bad. "I can tell you really love her" she stated and at my questioning look she explained herself. "The way you've painted her so far it looks ethereal, like she's some rare, exotic creature, like she's the most beautiful person you've ever laid your eyes on" she said and she got it spot on. 

"Titia was t just beautiful on the outside, she was on the inside as well. When I got to Rome she was working as an apprentice for her uncle who was one of the medics in the colosseum. She just wanted to help people she always has. Then we got married and she demanded I gave her a child straight away, she loved children she was very very maternal and she was my best friend" I told her and I didn't notice the single tear that travelled down my cheek until I felt Caroline wipe it away. 

"Let's go get some food" 

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