Chapter 5: I Wanna Live

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Jeremy POV 

Getting shoved into the areana harsher than nessesary I was met with loud cheers and blinding sunlight. When my vision finally cleared I saw 5 other men all with swords and all holding a shield or wearing armour never both but certainly more than I had. I on the other hand only held a sword and normal Roman clothing that you'd wear under armour. Great it's like I'm set up to lose. 

"Begin!!" Boomed a loud voice which made the audience cheer louder and three of the me rush to attack each other whilst the other came after me looking for an easy kill, wasn't I just. Holding out my sword as the armoured man at least twice my age brought his sword down heading for my head, barbaric much. Pushing him back I held my sword with a former grip determined to live as long as possible and not be the first to die. 

He attack again swinging high so I ducked and dragged my sword along his abdomen blood splatting in my face as the man stumbled back in shock and pain. As he fell t his knee I quickly stabbed him through the heart so he would die quicker and with less pain which thankfully he did. Looking to see 2 men still fighting and the other dead I picked up my victims sword and swing both around in my hands getting use to the feel before lifting my left arm I threw the sword so it went through the man with the shields back killing him as it severed his spine. 

His attacker fell to the floor as his opponents body fell on top of him. It's been roughly 20 minutes so far and I'm still alive but this guy is fucking huge, I'm gonna die and die quickly or die slowly but be beat quickly. As he charged I ran as well although my eyes were split between my opponent and the sword laying a few metres away. As he got close enough a dropped to my knees and skidded along under his outstretched arm holding the sword and as I rose to my feet grabbed the sword I'd had my eyes on. Once I picked up the sword the second armoured man came at me so I held both swords up in a cross blocking his blows. 

He rained down blow after all as sloppy as the last but increasing in strength. Hearing the cheers increase as I started walking backwards as it seems more likely someone will soon win the swords I'm holding move slightly and I only just move in time so I only got a cut going down my front thankfully not too serious but still bleeding. I also dropped one of my swords so now it was slightly less even. 

I was previously injured and also they had armour or shield I had the smallest and most pathetic sword I have ever seen (not that I've seen many) but thankfully that pathetic one was buried in someone's back and I was holding a larger less pathetic sword but the other guys sword was still better. 

As the gorilla of a man charged again I held my sword up blocking the attack whilst locking the guy in his junk, he went down cause what guy wouldn't. I live to see another minute, yes!!

So maybe kicking his baby maker wasn't such a good idea cause this only made him more angry so I did the only rational thing. 

Kick him in the junk again. 

Whilst he was down I raised my sword across my body and held it against his neck looking intoxicating his eyes trying to convey I was sorry for him. "Rest well in heaven good warrior" before I slit his throat quickly before immediately looking away. The audience applauded whilst I just stood hearing the man choke on his own blood for about 10 seconds before I heard his body slump as he died. Scratching the back of my head I walked away from the body to the door I saw opening which had guards at the entrance ready to probabaly take me back to that cell and beat me for not losing, Oh well I just need sleep and food although I doubt I'll get either. 

When i get tied back up another guard walks over to the one tying my arms behind my back before he drags my arm along in the opposite direction to the way we came, weird. As I'm led through halls I see they slowly become more and more how do I put it oh yeah the taste of a snobby rich person. I'm led into what looks like a dining halls and sat at the end of it. Seeing food infront of me like this is pure torture, id prefer to be beaten again. 

Sat alone for what feels like forever I look out the opening in the wall which I'm guessing is a window cause they probably don't have glass yet. I see another fight occurring this time between only 2 men, lucky bastards. 

"You must be the victor my names Emperor Camillus and you are?"Said a man with short brown nearly black hair and neatly trimmed facial hair. 

"Hey i don't Care who you are right now untie me I'm fucking starving

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