Chapter 17: Another Brick In The Wall

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Jeremy POV 

I'd been back in the 'right' time for 3 days now. It was Monday which meant I had to go to school. I honestly can't remember what I'm suppose to do whilst there it how to act or whatever but I guess I can try. "Jeremy you got your stuff sorted?" Asked Elena as she cane into my bedroom at the Gilbert household. 

"Urmm I think... I don't know" I Said and sat down frustrated. Why was thisbtine so confusing. Why couldn't I adjust back to it? I'd lived here before why can't I live here again? Maybe I should just drop out if school and work at the Grill, I could do that right? 

"Let me look" Said Elena and she looked through the bag that was beside me. She nodded her head every so often until she deemed it that I had everything. "Let's go wait for Care downstairs" she said and we both walked down. Elena locked the door behind us as we went to wait on the porch, and wasn't that weird. When Caroline's car pulled up we went to get in and she smiled brightly at the both of us. 

"Hey Guys, how are you doing Jer?" She asked. I knew she was concerned, I'd spent a lot of time with her and Bonnie trying to fit back into society which included a trip to the mall more English lessons and a trip to the Grill where Matt helped me with work again (I wrote the first few orders in Latin). "Well anyway remember the rules for 21st Centuary human interaction?" She asked and I sighed. Caroline made a list of does and do t for how to interact with people in this time although I thought I was doing pretty well. 

"Don't attack people, be polite and don't speak Latin unless I want to insult them" I Said and she nodded since they were the main ones she mentioned, more than once. As she drove I drank the  drink she bought me, whatever it was it was disgusting but I'd drink it anyway. "What's this drink?" I hadn't fully gotten use to this centuary and it would take time so they understood me asking ridiculous questions every so often (most sentences I spoke). 

"It's coffee" she said and I made a note to never drink it again unless it was all that was available.  We drive the rest of the way with Caroline and Elena talking mindlessly, when we pulled up to the school I got out of the car straight away (they still weirded me out some) and waited for the girls to get out of the car. I heard people whispering about something or other and Elena and Care shooting me nervous glances, weird. 

"Jeremy just ignore them" said Elena and I nodded, okay then. Walking into school Elena and Care helped me find my locker. "Please tell me you have a clue at what the combination is?" Asked Elena hopefully and at my confused expression she sighed. 

"So I can't open it without this coming off?" I asked one of the girls as Tyler, Bonnie and Matt came over. Elena nodded her head so I shrugged and broke the lock. 

"Jeremy!!" Whisper Shouted Caroline and I looked at her panicked, what did I do wrong this time? "Don't do something that seems abnormal" she said. Great now doing something ordinary was a normal. Nodding my head I opened the locker and thankfully what I think was my timetable was on the door. Time to go to biology. 

"What's biology?" 


It was now lunch and so far the day had only gotten worse, academically wise. Caroline had someone called Alaric get a doctors note (what's a doctor?) from his doctor girlfriend that said I had a concussion and was suffering mild amnesia. I'd spotted Caroline and went to sit with her smiling at her when I sat down, I had something that was bugging me. Just as I'd say Stefan and Elena headed over and Elena looked annoyed at something. 

"Hey can I ask something that might sound slightly insensitive but I need to know?" I asked and the girls nodded their heads so I continued. "What happened to aunt Jenna?" I asked and they both looked taken aback. 

"She uhh got killed during a sacrifice so this vampire dude could become a hybrid" Said Caroline and looked at me worriedly. Wait I know a hybrid, was it Tyler or Bonnie? 

"Wait isn't Tyler or Bonnie a hybrid?" I asked and yeah I was getting angry cause one of them potentially killed my aunt unless neither were a hybrid and then I'm back to square one. 

"Tyler's a hybrid but not the hybrid that killed Jenna, that was all Klaus" Said Elena in a overly annoyed tone, guess the guys done even more than kill Jenna. 

"Can I kill him?" I asked and both girls looked shocked whilst Stefan just snorted, I'd forgotten the asshole was here. 

"Many have tried many have failed kid, only one thing can kill him which we don't have" said Stefan and dangit I was looking forward to killing the guy, family honour and all that. 

"Can I inflict a lot of pain onto him?" Please dear god let them agree!!! 

"I don't see why not" said Tyler as he too sat down. Bonnie, Matt and some random blonde girl also joined us, she kind of looked like Caroline does Caroline have a sister? 

"So where does he live and someone give me your car keys I need my sword" I Said and they all rolled their eyes. Caroline went on a tangent about education and how important it was and no it isn't important I'd prefer to be in the middle of a losing battle back in Ancient Rome than be at school. As we both tried to argue our points I saw Caroline's maybe sister looking at me like she knew me, did I know her? "Okay Who's the lady?" I asked and heads turned to look at the blonde. 

"I'm Rebekah Mikaelson and May I say you look all too familiar" she said and yeah I'm guessing I knew her before my extended trip to Rome. "I swear I saw you in 1673" and that's not normal.

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