Chapter 22: I'm A Wanted Man

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Jeremy POV 

It was our last full day in Rome. We'd done all the touristy stuff and I showed them what it was like 2000 years ago. Today we were planning on relaxing but I wanted to explore the streets some more so I wondered off alone. I found a small shop that had a sort of mini muezzin in the back, it had no artefacts but they did talks about the history of the city. 

I sat in a seat and waited for it to begin. 

"So the Roman Empire is one of the most well known empires of our history and had lots of strong rulers. It has so much diverse culture that it's a hotspot for historians to research" the man said and he stated to going through the earliest information found dating back before I was there. I felt someone sit in the chair besides me in the cramped room and saw the historian I'd met earlier in my holiday. She smiled at me and I gave a small wave back and she blushed as she turned her head to listen to the speaker. He started speaking of Nero completing missing out on Cam. 

"What about Emperor Camillus he was one of the reasons Nero had such a successful reign I mean he started him off" spoke up the historian and some people murmured in curiousity. It was true that many people over looked Camillus' reign in favour of his sons who built of Cam's work and influenced Rome and how people viewed it more but they were his fathers ideas. 

"Well please if you know so much about this Emperor take the stage" Said the speaker with a smile, he didn't seem offended in the slightest. She went to the front and plugged a laptop into the projector and all her research in a presentation came up. 

"Camillus whilst not as known as his son was very successful in helping Nero in his reign. He had these ideas that got written down but never worked on and these became a his sons legacy. What he was most famous for was his strong army, it's supposedly one of the most successful eras in terms of war and battles that were recorded. Many believe that it was due to his second in command as at a young age he was a protégée in fighting and battle. His name was Jeremy Gilbert and is documents it's said that a crypt was built for him, his wife and his children when he died and they were all buried there. It's believed to be near the colosseum but so far nothing has been found. Now Camillus.." and she continued to speak. When she mentioned me the slide on the screen changed to a portrait that was left mostly intact. 

If someone bothered to look they'd definately see a clear resemblance between me and the portrait but I just sat back and listened. She finished her speech after 10 minutes and with an applause sat down. The first speaker took up his speech again but I was distracted but the glow of a computer screen next to me. I looked over and saw the portrait that I'd done of my family on the walls of my home, it must have been recreated because when I visited where it was the house was destroyed. 

At the end when people were leaving I heard someone calling my name and saw the historian heading my way with a determined look on her face. It seemed like she had nearly caught up to me when I started walking again. 

"Why do you look so much like him?" She asked and I shrugged. "Is it like a reincarnation or like facial prosthetics I don't understand" she said and I just stopped and looked at her. 

I took her note book and wrote the coordinates of my crypt and handed it back to her, I can at least have a little fun whilst I'm here. "Maybe the world isn't as black and white as it seems, who really knows what's out there" I Said and walked away leaving the women stood alone and shocked. 


"Hey where've you been?" I heard Caroline ask as I joined her by the poolside. "Have you been exploring without us?" She demanded in outrage even taking her sunglasses off, oooh she means business. 

"Just fueling a historians healthy curiosity" I shrugged but she still fined as she put her sun glasses back on and laid out on the sun-bed again. "So have I missed anything?" 

"I wish I could say no but everything was relatively quiet" she said and I nodded and stretched out myself. "Can I ask you something Jer? And please be completely honest" she asked and I nodded my head. "If you could would you go back to be with your wife and children? Or would you stay now with us?" She asked and I sighed because she knew my answer, I guess she wanted it in words. 

"Honestly Caroline I would go back and not give it a second thought" I Said and she sighed defeated. "I'd always have those memories of you all but I'm not the Jeremy Gilbert you knew anymore, now I'm a solider that wants nothing more than to be with his family again" I Said and she nodded her head in understanding. I looked to the side as Caroline walked away, I didn't mention that I saw a tear in her eye, and saw a fuming Tyler heading this way. 

"What in the hell did you do?!!" He shouted but somehow nobody else heard. 

"And what in the hell are you talking about?" I asked taking off my sunglasses. 

"The crypt who did you tell about it Jer?" 

"Just a historian but that was only a couple of hours ago" 

"Well it's open and now everyone is looking for the people who broke into it and took a 2000 year old artefact"

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