Chapter 7: Stay Ignorant

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Jeremy POV 

Walking through the colosseum I start to understand why people are mesmerised by its beauty. Stone walls and arches, a community all on its own as people linger around doing any and every job nessesary for survival. I was being led to where the soldiers medics were located. Camillus walking beside me talking animatedly about my armour. 

"So since your in a position higher than a solider but lower than me since I'm emperor it needs to be better than average uniform. I vote gold with silver family crest on it" Said Camillus as we approached the doors to the medics room and his niece who was his apprentice. Smirking whilst trying to hide my laughter at Camillus and how his arms were moving around as he talked and how he was so focused on what he was talking about he was constantly nearly walking into people. 

"How about just silver?" I suggested still smirking. Golds too flashy and lets face it at the minute I'm too pale to pull off gold. 

"Or compromise and silver with gold family crest" voted Camillus and I nodded knowing I'd gotten as much as I could out of him, he was like a male dark haired Caroline. As we entered the area where I saw soldiers being treated for wounds medicsa d their apprenticed looked over and bowed before going back to their work as a sign of respect for Emperor Camillus. 

"Gallio, could you put a healing salve on my friends wounds?" Asked Camillus as he approached a middle aged man. The man nodded and his silver hair fell to ear level with a beard that covered most of his face. A common look for Ancient Rome but in my time not so much. 

"Here you go Uncle" Said a beautiful, gorgeous, stunning girl as she held out a bowl for her uncle. She had bright green eyes with flecks of gold near the pupil. Long ginger hair that fell over her shoulders nearly to her waist. Soft pale skin without a mark or blemish which shows her youthful age even though she was probably around my age or at least my sisters. 

"Thank you Titia" Said Gallio distracting me from my thoughts of his niece. "Could you show me the wounds" ordered Gallio and I removed the tunic I was wearing leaving me only in some shorts which served as underwear. I saw Titia look away moving to help someone else treat a patient but before she got too far a severely injured man was carried in. Groaning in pain covered in blood the man was barely conscious only stopping himself from falling into oblivion by his wife begging him to stay awake. "Titia help this man whilst I deal with this" Ordered Gallio putting down the salve rushing to help the dying man. 

Freezing the girl slowly moved back over to where I was leaning against a table which held herbs and other medical remedies. I only just then noticed that Camillus wasn't near us since he'd first spoken and looked around to see the man flirting with a women around his age. 

"Who's that women with Camillus?" I asked the girl who was most definitely blushing as she finished stirring the salve. Looking up I saw the girls mesmerising green eyes look briefly at the women across the room and she smiled lightly.

"That would be Munatia, I believe that he's been courting her for awhile but that's only rumours" spoke the girl softly smiling. One corner of her mouth raised slightly, the girl was most likely a friend and she was glad she was possibly finding her happiness. 

"I'm Jeremy by the way" I Said and the girl smiled as she applied some of the salve to the cut that went down my front from my previous opponents sword. I could see a blush starting to appear on the girls cheeks and smirked. 

"Titia, how long have you lived in Rome?" She asked and I paused. I guess it didn't really sink in before as I was trying to survive and didn't exactly have time to panic but shitttttt. 

How the hell was I suppose to get home? I'm not Bonnie I can't sense if someone's a witch and then ask them to magically send me back to my time. Now I'm stuck in a time where I failed at history and have nothing to my name where having something anything means safety.

"I got here last night" I Said in a calm collected manor not at all conveying the mild (huge) panic attack I was internally having. She seemed surprised but didn't comment as she finished applying salve to my from before stepping back so it was easier for me to turn around. "I wasn't planning on staying too long but Camillus kind of roped me into his army" I told the girl to make conversation. 

She seemed shy and not at all what I expected. Back home if someone was a beautiful as herself they would flaunt it and capitalise on it, not exactly an appealing characteristic. But in this time she's shy and it's like she doesn't realise how gorgeous she actually is. 

"Well this place has a way of roping people in. So I'm guessing you don't have anywhere to stay as of yet?" She asked and I could tell by her tone she was nervous and what I think was hopeful? 

"No I don't actually, do you have any suggestions where I could find somewhere?" I Said turning around to come face to face with the girl who immediately started furiously blushing. Her breath hitches at our close proximity but I just smirked lazily much like Damon would (curse his influence on my behaviour) and stared into her green orbs. 

"How about you stay in my home?" Interrupted Camillus and I sighed as Titia moved back startled and scurried off to get on with some other work. Glaring slightly at the emperor he didn't even seem to realise what he'd interrupted. "Whoops"

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