Chapter 9: Days Are Forgotten

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Jeremy POV 

I'd just gotten inside the home I shared with my family when I heard the doors burst open. Sighing at the obvious display that was meant to grab my, or someone else's, attention I just kept walking down the hall to put Baebia to sleep. 

"Jeremy, come on man was the doors not enough drama for you? I couldn't wait for the next thunder storm for a dramatic entrance" Shouted Camillus rushing around trying to find me or someone I guess, he's such an attention whore. 

"It was plenty dramatic I'm just use to your need for constant attention" I told him closing the curtains that separated Baebia room from the rest of the house. I saw Titia coming out of Mettius' room. Elvorix had her own and Mamercus and Servius shared. Walking out I saw Camillus laid out in the middle of the kitchen with Elvorix and Servius sat atop of him. "Having fun there?" I asked smirking at the emperor who had a reputation of being able to crush empires and yet couldn't defend himself against 2 children. 

"Well when you have Mamercus throwing flour in your face and the kids tripping you it's kind of hard and besides your no better" he squeaked our indignantly. "Now down to business, children go find your mother" Said Camillus and the kids stood running out of the room, Mamercus came out of hiding as well with flour coating his hands. 

"When do we leave?" I asked. I knew what he wanted to talk about. For awhile now the Persians have been trying to take Roman land and Camillus has been planning an attack on the main camp to try stop them in their path. 

"Tonight at sundown" he said and looking out of the window I saw the sun slowly starting to set. Nodding at Camillus he took his leave and I walked to the main room and saw my wife my children that were still awake telling them a story, their favourite is how I stopped the lions that escaped the colosseum and got 3 scars running down my face. 

"And then your father used his huge silver sword slashed the lions stomach open but not before the lion sunk his claws into his face..." I heard Titia say in a dramatic voice that the children seemed to love. 

"And the lion died and now your father has 3 hideous scars running down his face" I finished and Titia smiled up at me. Smiling at her and my children I was again reminded of how beautiful my wife was, just as gorgeous as the day I met her, and how she passed her beauty onto our amazing children. 

"Reminding everyone of his bravery" she added onto the end. Sitting among my wife and children I listened as Titia shared stories and the children made up their own. When the sun was nearly gone I took the children to bed from the youngest to the oldest saying good night and that I had to leave for a few days but to expect me back in no time at all.

Saying goodbye to Elvorix was always the hardest even though she'd had to say goodbye more she also now understood where I went and the danger I was put it. 

"Do you have to go Papa?" She asked softly crying with tears running down her face. It was times like these when she reminded me of the sister I once had. Sketches was the only reminder I had of her otherwise I probably wouldn't remember what she looked like, like how I cannot recall her name. 

"Yes I do, you know why don't you?" I asked her. It was routine for me to tell her why I did this and why instead of upset I was going to be proud especially if I didn't make it back. 

"To protect Mama and my siblings, and all of Rome but mostly us" she said and I smiled ruffling her hair before kissing her four head taking my leave as my little girls eyes closed for the night. 

Walking to the bedroom I shared with Titia I saw her preparing my silver and gold armour. Helping me into it she tucked in the papers I always carried with me to battle, a sketch of my sister and a sketch of my wife and children, the most important people to me. 

"You better come home" demanded my wife. She always tells me to come home in an offhanded manor to hide her concern. I never really get seriously injured during battle but she worries anyway but doesn't like to show since I can take care of myself. 

"I will, I always do" I told her before leaving the bedroom to go meet Camillus to lead the charge through the streets of Rome until we came to the battle field. Mounting my horse once outside I looked back at the small home that held my whole world and smiled promising myself and everyone out there that I would come back to them. 

I just have to. 

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