Chapter 20: Figure It Out

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Jeremy POV 

"It's different" I stated when we finally arrived. And it was. Rome I mean. It was one brick buildings with stalls everywhere and people lining the streets selling things and a huge market where you could always find guards and the best goods and the colosseum was full of life always either a competition going on or soldiers training but now everything was well tame. People walked around the square with cameras taking photos of statues and fountains. 

It changed. 

"Of course it's changed in the last 2000 years dumb ass" said Tyler and I just scowled at him. He shrugged and started walking in the direction of a fountain. It was beautiful I have to admit. 

"Look Jer why don't you give us a tour, like how things have changed since you were here" suggested Elena and I sighed. The reason I wanted to come here was so I could find out what became of my family and Cam. 

"Maybe later" I told her and started walking away. I heard her feet shuffle like she made to follow me, probably worried I'd wonder away and get lost, but I heard Alaric stop her and Stefan help him when it came to reasoning with her. Thank god because I was going to the colosseum, where I first met Titia. Walking there I saw how the city had changed, the art work was new but I recognised a few pieces. 

I stopped at one piece, one I recognised very well. A statue of Camillus stood tall with 2 men either side of him, his most trusted soldiers. I was on his right and Tiberius, a good friend, on his left. I remember sculpting this piece myself, along with some others assisting. 

"This is an interesting piece" Said a middle aged women as she cane to stand next to me. "It's said that the solider to the emperors right sculptted the piece himself. I've actually been looking into that soldiers history due to him being one of the greatest soldiers of that particular era" she started talking to I decided to listen. "I'm a historian so it's kind of my thing to look into stuff like this but I get if you want to slowly back away and leave me here alone" She rambled but I just laughed at her. 

"No it's interesting I was thinking about researching it myself actually" I told her and at her curious look I decided to elaborate. "Well I've actually managed to trace my family history back to him but not any further so I thought I'd look into it" I Said to the women and she seemed stunned. "And we have the same name" I Said and she laughed slightly. 

"Well I managed to find out that he appeared in Rome at a young age, got married a few years later and had about 5 children before he went missing leaving his wife and kids alone" she replied and I frowned, did that mean I never went back. 

"Did they ever figure out what happened to him?" I asked and she nodded. 

"From what I can gather he probably died during battle and they never found a body. It's not uncommon for that time era but I'm still looking into it cause something just doesn't seem right about it" she said. She had determination in her voice when she said she figured something was missing. 

"Well if you ever figure it out give me a call, I'd love to hear about it" I Said before writing my number on her notebook, historians and their research. 

"Yeah sure, definately" she replied before she must have heard her name being called and she walked away. I turned back to the statue and just stared at it. I eventually sat down and stayed where I was for the afternoon. 

Something was stopping me from being able to believe that I'd never go back, that I'd never see Elvorix grow up into a young women, or see Baebia she learned to talk and took her first steps or see Mamercus, Servius and Mettius grow into strong warriors, or even little Nero take after his father and become a strong emperor. 

"Jeremy?" I heard someone say and o turned to see Elena with everyone else stood slightly behind her. "Have you bee here all afternoon?" She asked and I nodded patting the stone next to me for her to sit. "What have you been doing?" She asked and I smiled at her as she and everyone else sat around me all looking up to the statue. 

"I talked to a historian" I started and everyone tilted their heads to hear better. "She said that I most likely died in battle but a body was never found so I probably never go back" I told the group and they stayed silent. "I'm sorry Titia" I whispered and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Camillus, Elvorix, Mamercus, Servius, Mettius, Baebia, I'm sorry I never returned" I whispered and I felt an arm around my shoulder, small and definately a female, I looked and saw Bonnie. 

"They'd forgive you" She said and I nodded. I knew they would espeacially Titia, she was too kind for her own good sometimes. 

"How about I show you all where i first got beaten in the colosseum?" I suggested with a light hearted voice and everyone laughed although Alaric seemed confused. 

"Wouldn't you die I mean I thought they fought to the death in that place?" He asked and I laughed when everyone e turned to look at me with shocked wife eyes. 

"No this was before I first fought. In the arena I never lost a fight, ever" I Said before I stood helping Elena and Bonnie up before walking to the colosseum. "I wonder if the medic rooms still there where I first met my wife" I Said and I heard Caroline laugh. 

"A little nurse on patient role play for you there". 

Yeah I should have seen that one coming. 

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