Chapter 19: When Your Heart Stops Beating

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Jeremy POV 

I dropped the dead (temporarily) hybrids heart to the floor and looked to the doorway at the newcomer who'd spoken. He looked about 20 years old and had brown hair and brown eyes, his eyes just screamed crazy. 

"Who's the psycho?" I asked cleaning my hands of blood on the hybrids shirt, I'm not ruining my own. His smirk widened and everyone seemed kind of nervous around him. 

"Kol Mikaelson" He said stepping further into the room and grabbing a drink from the first horizontal surface he cane across, alcoholic alert. 

"Jeremy, now where's dear Matthew?" I asked turning to face my friends. I saw him move slightly so he thought I wouldn't see him, oh how wrong he was. I smirked and just stood with my arms folded. "Matt come on I won't go that hard on you, god knows you 21st century folk can't take it" I Said before leaving the room. Playing on any mans ego is enough to make them prove themselves, I hope people of this century are still like that cause otherwise I need another tactic. 

"Jer wait up!!" Shouted Matt. Hook, line and sinker. I turned around to face him smugly as he approached. "Just don't go too hard on me?" He questioned and I nodded my head slowly. 

"No promises" 


"Ouch!! Shit! Motherfucker!" Shouted Matt as we spared. He was better than he was 6 hours ago when we started but god he's a long way from good. "What the hell I thought I said go easy?" He complained as I finally let go of his arm which was twisted behind his back ready to be broken. 

"I am your just a wimp" I told him sitting down as he righted himself. Everyone was watching with slight amusement at his pain, to be fair I would be too. "Hey first day of my training I had to run for 6 hours straight in the scorching hot streets of Rome and then 3 hours of sword training, I think I got the short straw" I told him and he nodded his head. 

"Okay well since this seems like it's coming to a close let's talk about the fact that Barbie Klaus has seen Jeremy before in 16-who cares?" Said Damon. I rolled my eyes, god wasn't Damon suppose to be the fun, reckless one oh how times have changed. 

"Well I for one don't care she probably mis-remembered the persons face" I Said as I stood up. "So who's up for a trip to Rome? If it's still called that" I asked everyone and they seemed shocked. "I want to see what's become of my home in that last 2000 years cut me some slack" I Said before I started walking into the boarding house. Food food food, ice cream. I started eating the ice cream I'd located when everyone else joined me. Caroline had that look in her face where you know she's on a mission and you should not get in her way, that's why I'm on the opposite side of the room. 

"So who want to come with us?" She asked and I smirked, looks like we're going to Rome after all. "I'll definayely go when we went before was definitely not a holiday or long enough to get a tan." She said and everyone raised there hands, guess everyone was going. 

"Why don't we pay for the trip? God knows you lot are practically peasants" Said Damon and Caroline nodded turning to Stefan for bank details. 

"Where is he?!!" Shouted an enraged voice from the entrance to the house. Huh I wonder who pissed him off? You could hear footsteps and everyone stood up preparing themselves for some outburst or whatever when that hybrid dick came into the kitchen. "You think you can tear my heart out without me killing you? Well your deadly wrong" he snarled at me. Guess I was the one to piss him off. 

"Ice cream?" I offered to him and he just looked at me confused. "Hey dude your not dead but guess who is, my aunt Jenna. You know why? Because you had self-worth issues and you wanted to make yourself better and deadlier so you wouldn't think so low of yourself but guess what your still insecure" I said to the shocked hybrid. He seemed lost for words at my little speech which I'm guessing I got spot  on. 

"Well if you or your families not doing anything your more than welcome to join us on our trip to Rome?" I offered him and everyone turned to glare at me, eh. 

"Right well I'm just going to... yeah" he said pointing to the door behind him before he just walked out. I frowned as I watched him leave. 

"He didn't take any ice cream" 

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