Chapter 10: Check Yes, Juliet

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Elena POV 

"Hello little toddlers I hear you have a time travel problem" announced the person I wanted to see least, ever.

"Hello Kol" I Said to the worlds most irritating vampire. Smirking Kol came and sat down taking the bourbon from Damon's hand as he passed him. 

"How do you know that it's time travel?" Asked Ric looking at Kol suspiciously. 

"Well Tatia's grandfather of course" he said. So irritating and clinically insane, great combination. Looking (more like glaring) at the still smirking vampire I wondered what his motives were, earning a favour that if we do it will get us killed? Perhaps he's just trying to rub it in our faces that he knows a solution but won't help us? Who knows with this guy. 

"Okay so Mr. 1000 year dead Petrova told you how to get someone back from the past?" Asked Damon sarcastically. 

"Actually no he told me exactly what your situation was and how to solve it and some instructions for when Jeremy gets back" he said not smirking at this point, which shocked who knew he had any other facial expression. 

"Or he was just crazy" Said Caroline before turning back to the grimoire on her lap. 

"Hey believe what you want but Jarvis Petrova was a genius of that time, he's the reason the Petrova family were a well known family" Said Kol and we all turned to him in shock, a crazy old guy was the reason the Petrova line was actually documented in history? "So now that that is out of the way, Bonnie boo here is the spell to bring him back it requires a relatives blood aka Elena and a salt circle which he will arrive in" Said Kol unfolding the paper as he went. 

"Why should we trust you?" Asked Bonnie, well someone had to be the one to ask. 

"Because I didn't listen to Jarvis when he said Henrik would die or that my mother would use black magic to turn us into monsters, but I will take his advice on this because Jarvis had a way of knowing everything like he'd lived it" he said with conviction rich in his voice. At this I knew he was our only option and we should just take his help but it was up to Bonnie since she would have to be the one to perform a spell. 

"Alright I'll do it, but only if everyone else agrees" she said and she looked towards the rest of us. 

"Fine by me" Ric. "If it gets Jeremy back" Caroline. "What other choice do we have" Stefan and the rest just nodded their heads until everyone turned to me and Damon the only ones not answer as of yet. 

"Jeremy's my brother I'll take anything I can to have him back here" I Said and everyone nodded looking at me with sympathy before we all turned to Damon who seemed reluctant to trust an original. 

"Alright enough with the puppy eyes, fine Fine but if something goes wrong  don't blame me" he said holding his hands out like he had nothing to do with anything that would go wrong because knowing Damon he'd happily take credit if it went right. 

"Alright well you all better get started" Said Kol before he casually strolled out of the Boardong house. 

"Did he just take my bourbon glass?" Muttered Damon but we all ignored him in favour of huddling around the spell whilst Bonnie looked it over. "Thanks for the sympathy you guys"

"Oh My God this could actually work Oh My God!!" Said Bonnie. She stood up and left the room. "I need a few supplies from my house but I'll be back" she said as she exited the boarding house completely. 

"I can't believe we're finally going to get him back" I sighed in happiness finally relaxing but only slightly, I'd only properly relax when I saw Jeremy infront of myself perfectly fine. 

"Yeah I mean it's only been like 10 days but it's 10 days were Jeremy could, knowing him, get himself into some sort of trouble" Said Caroline and we all nodded it like a talent my brother has. 

"When do you think he was?" I asked curiously. I know he was in Rome but when. 

"Oooh What If it was Ancient Rome like when the colosseum was in use, I bet Rime was so gorgeous back then not saying it's not beautiful now though" Said Caroline and we continued to talk about Rome and what Jeremy might be doing. "Oh My God what if he met a girl and they have like that Romeo and Juliet romance" squealed Caroline. 

I squealed as well whilst the others just looked at us like we were crazy. "But wait we'd ruin their romance" I Said and Caroline deflated. 

"Wait but if they're touching she might end up coming back here with him Oh My Godddddd" squealed Caroline and we kept making up stupid stories about Jeremy falling in love even though we all know him and Bonnie will probably get back together when he gets back. 

Bonnie has spent every waking minute trying to find something to get him back. It's obvious she still has feelings for him and losing him like this made her realise she should take back what she wants and Jeremy is still head over heels for her he just made a dumb mistake, a very dumb mistake. 

"Alright I got what I need" Said Bonnie as she opened the door to the boarding house, speak (or think) of the devil and she shall appear. 

"Well let's get started then shall we" 

A/N would love it if anyone who actually sees this could check out my original story Forces of Nature, please and thank you. 

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