Chapter 8: Carry On Wayward Son

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-TIMESKIP- from last chapter 

Third Person POV 

"Why do we have to do this?" Shouted a boy with blonde hair and tan skin. He looked exhausted and had dirt all over himself and the clothes he was wearing. He had copper cuffs on both wrists and a red tunic on which was knee length. Opposing him was a man with paler skin than the boy although he was only 10 years older. He too had cuffs on his wrists although his own were silver. Unlike the boy though he was only wearing a skirt like piece of fabric without anything covering his upper body, he also had a leather skirt on which was common to see soldiers wearing. 

"Why? Why?!! Do you want to die boy?" He Shouted to the boy in mockery not cruelty. On looker to the solider and his trainee stopped looking in awe. It wasn't often that someone second guessed the solider due to his high ranking in the army but even if they did he would only prove himself right but not in a cruel way and would teach everyone a valuable lesson by doing so. 

"We have swords to fight with why do we need to fight with our hands?" Asked the boy as he grew more and more tired because of the bigourous training. Seeing the dark look in his eye you knew he had seen what had happened when people thought like that and people, other soldiers training, around them took a few steps back not wanting to be caught up in whatever the broad solider had planned. 

"Then pick up a sword and we shall fight" he said calmly and nervously the boy trying to be a man did as told. As the solider and the boy circled each other a man with dark hair and a goatee looked on in amusement as he was use to the soldiers ways of teaching his pupils.

The boy charged forward and swung his sword down towards the solider. The solider lifted his arms and the clang of metal as the sword met the soldiers silver wrist bands rang out through the air. The solider with his free hand stuck his arm out and with a complicated move disarmed the boy who stood like a deer in head lights. 

"That is why we learn, if you ever lose your sword your screwed but at least by training in hand fighting you have a chance of survival" Said the solider stabbing the sword into the ground looking at the boy who nodded his head astounded by the soldiers ability to continuously train and be a fair teacher. "Dismissed" He said and the boys he was teaching to become soldiers scattered.

"Ah always the peaceful one" Said a red haired women as she approached the solider. A smile lightened the solider face as he moved to meet the women halfway. The embraces and chatted about mundane things like the 5 children they had at home or the surrogate brother of the solider. 

"Papa!! Papa!!" Shouted the children as they approached the home which the women grew up in. 

"Elvorix, Mamercus, Servius, Mettius!!" Shouted the solider as he crouched to embrace four of his five children. His eldest a 9 year old daughter named Elvorix then he had three sons, 7year old Mamercus, 5 year old Servius and 3 year old Mettius. As he stood with his youngest son and his eldest child in his arms he looked at his wife that was hugging their second and third child. 

"Jeremy, Titia good to see you again" Said Augustus, Titia the soliders wife's father said as he came outside the greet his son-in-law and daughter. "Pollia has Baebia inside changing her" Said Augustus as he embraced his daughter. 

"How does it feel to be 26 Jeremy?" Asked the women, Pollia as she came outside with a 1 year old baby named Baebia the solider's, Jeremy's, youngest child. 

"Perfect" was the soliders reply as he gazed upon his beautiful wife who had moved to embrace their youngest. The adoration in his eyes made Augustus smile as he knew that Jeremy was perfect for his daughter even with his weird quirks. 


Elena POV 

After our impromptu visit to Rome to find Jeremy with no luck we all headed back to Mystic Falls. I immediately poured myself into looking through grimoire after grimoire until Caroline dragged me away when I started reflecting my own needs. 

"Find anything?" I asked no one in particular. Since I got no reply I assumed that nobody did. Everyone was sat among the boarding house library looking through books. Me, Bonnie, Caroline, Stefan, Damon, Alaric, Tyler and Matt. I was about to ask if anyone wanted anything to eat or drink since I was going to get something to drink when the doors to the Boarding house burst open. 

"Hello little toddlers I hear you have a time travel problem" announced the person I wanted to see least, ever.

"Hello Kol"

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