Chapter 4: Kryptonite

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Kol POV 


I was walking through the village after finishing my chores for the day before all my siblings resulting in me being bored. Not many of the people my age from the village liked me, well the boys anyway. Most of my free time was spent practicing magic since Ayana deemed me a prodege as I excelled in  skill of even my mother who had been practicing magic much longer. 

As I walk through the village at a leisurely pace I see the Petrova home and start to walk over when I see Tatia the harlot that is toying with my brothers struggling to help an elderly man into the house. "Tatia would you like some help?" I asked the girl startling her slightly as she is trying to push a strange contraption into the hut. 

"Thank you Kol that would be most appreciated since Grandpapa is having one of his 'visions' as he calls them again" Said Tatia and I moved behind the contraption and pushed the man over the small ledge and into the house. 

"Where would you like him?" I asked her and she tried to say I didn't have to help. "It's fine Tatia I don't mind helping" I Said genuinely wanting to help the women with her Grandfather. 

"Through there the area that sectioned off just stop the chair next to the bed" she said point behind a curtain and I pushed the old mans contraption behind the curtain and a wooden panel sectioning a bed away from the others. When I put the chair beside the bed like Tatia asked I started to leave but a boney fragile hand encircled my wrist stopping me in my tracks. 

"Kol? Is that you?" Asked Tatia's Grandfather and I looked at him confused for a moment, how did he know my name? "Of course it is, unless your a younger version of Elijah but you look too much like Kol" Said the old man mumbling to himself. 

"My name is Kol, Kol Mikaelson. What's your name, sir?" I asked the elderly man politely. He smiled sadly at me like he only just realised something. 

"Jarvis Petrova but I've been called many names before that" Said the old man chuckling slightly. "If you want I could tell you what's awaiting you in your future if you so desire?" Asked the man so I hesitantly nodded my head, Tatia said he was delusional, right? 

"Well very soon someone close to you will die and when that happens come to me and I'll tell you more" he said as he Tatia's footsteps heading this way. Poking her head around the curtain she looked at us curiously as I was sat on her Grandfather's bed and he seemed lucid. 

"Is everything alright?" She asked and I nodded my head and was about to speak but Jarvis beat me too it. 

"Yes young Tatia I was simply introducing myself to your suiters brother" Said the old man whistfully before he closed his eyes and a second later his harsh snores were heard. 

"Did you tell him about Niklaus and Elijah?" Asked Tatia curiously as we left her Grandfather alone. Confused I looked at thencurious girl who was sporting a frown between her eyebrows and wrinkles in her four head. 

"No I thought you would have since he is your grandfather" I Said to the girl and she raised her head slightly in acknowledgement. 

"Well he's never really been lucid enough to hold proper conversation so I do not know how he found about my courtship with your brothers" Said and Tatia and I smiled at the girl before taking my leave to see Henrik who I'm guessing was done with his chores. 


"Tatia I need to speak with your Grandfather please" I Said slightly hysterical as she opens the huts door after I knocked on it oh so loudly. 

"Why do you wish to speak to Grandpapa?" She asked confused since she hadn't heard about our brothers death yet. "You May of course I imagine he can get quite lonely but why so suddenly?" She asked I I told her to go check on my brothers as I couldn't bring myself to speak of my youngest siblings death just yet. 

As she let me into the house she also left and I walked quickly through the hut until I reached Jarvis' bedside. 

"Mr. Petrova it's me Kol Mikaelson. You said to come here after someone close to me has died and they have" I said only to get no response and I was about to leave when the old man suddenly sat up with a renewed vigour. The old man stood up completely like he wasn't the helpless old man he had people believing, it was a miracle in itself that he's lived as long as he has. 

"Firstly call me Jarvis no need for formalities my friend" Said the old man as he walked into the main area and started pottering around and started boiling some water. "Now very soon your mother will do something out of desperation to save her children's lives since she doesn't want to lose anymore of you.." he started  it I cut him off. 

"How do you know one of my siblings died?" I asked slightly confused with my face scrunching up. 

"I know a lot about what will happen in the upcoming weeks and although I probably shouldn't I've decided to prepare you some, maybe save a few hundred lives whilst I'm at it. Anyway what your mother dies will change your lives forever for they will last pretty much that long anywho your father will make your mother perform another spell which Niklaus will hate her for and will try for 1000 years to break. Now that he's broken the curse you and the rest of your siblings at this point aren't in the picture until suddenly Rebekah is after she was temporarily dead after she fel in love and then Nik woke her up blah blah blah lots happens and then you wake up and then I'll need your help with a few things when you wake up remember the year of 2018 then so you have to gather the nessesary ingredients to send Jeremy Gilbert, my name from that time, back in time to Ancient Rome" ranted the most definitely deranged old man as he made some sort of concoction throwing ingredients around manically. Staring wide eyes at the crazy man I was about to try silently sneak out. "Drink it will calm you" Said the man and I saw a liquid with a milky brown colour. 

"What is it?" I asked since I'd never seen a drink like this before. 

"It's tea you dumbass now drink before I do" and yep definitely crazy

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