Chapter 25: All On My Mind

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Jeremy POV 

"Rebekah who's your friend?" Said a string calm voice as we both started walking up the stairs. I saw Rebekah cringe but we both turned around and the man in a suit didn't seem bothered by my appearance, surprised yes. "Ah Mr. Gilbert I weren't aware you were friends with my sister, nor that you were back after Miss. Bennett cast a spell sending you somewhere" Said the guy and I looked to Rebekah for help. 

"Yes well he's here and back and we are friends so we should be going now Elijah" she said and I saw that Niklaus guy come back to stand with his brother. 

"I called the witches sister everything is set to get this murder happy brute away from here" Said Niklaus in a slightly angry tone as he described me. Elijah just seemed confused. 

"I'm aware things are eventful in Mystic Falls but what exactly did I miss whilst I was away?" Asked Elijah and Klaus just sighed. 

"Let me tell you brother" he said slinging an arm around his shoulders and directing him further into the lavish house. "It all started the night we had dinner before you went away on business....." 

"Well let's get to it shall we?" Questioned Rebekah and I nodded before following her. I looked among the paintings that littered the walls and I was impressed by the detail and the emotions that were practically screaming from the page. "Don't bother with Nike paintings their just from his diva episodes or when he's plotting someone's death" Said Rebekah as she turned the handle to a door and entered a room. 

Walking into the room I saw my armour laid out on a table along with my sword and the clothes I'd wear under my armour. I heard footsteps but paid them no mind as I looked upon the armour that I hadn't seen in the month I'd been back. The others locked it away as soon as they could wanting to completely strip me of everything that I'd held dear in exchange for them but they couldn't measure up, they never could. 

"Mr. Gilbert my brother informs me that you were sent back in time, is that correct?" I heard a strong voice ask as Elijah entered the room followed closely by an annoyed looking Klaus. 

"Yeah it's true and now I'm going back" I Said to him and he seemed stunned. 

"Why would you want to go back, your sister and friends are here?" He asked and I saw Rebekah glare at Klaus in my peripheral vision and he seemed sheepish from where he was behind Elijah. 

"Well considering they forced me to leave my wife and children I think I'll pass on the staying part" I Said and he nodded in acceptance. At least this family understood I wanted my family back and that I'd moved on from the others and I don't need them anymore. 

"Well the witches said they'll be about 20 minutes so chop chop" Said Klaus before he left the room clapping his hands to add to the theatrics. Rolling my eyes I began to take off my jacket and shirt and when they both were removed I heard a hum from Rebekah. 

"Need any help?" She said in an innocent voice and I heard Elijah sigh. 

"Give the man some privacy Rebekah" he chastised his sister as I started remove the jeans I was wearing. 

"I don't really mind having to change infront of the other soldiers means you can't muck around with self consciousness, and anyway some help would be appreciated" I Said to the siblings and Rebekah raised a victorious eyebrow in her brother direction. 

"Right well that's sort Now Elijah what are we having for dinner because Kol and Finn can't seem to decide between pizza or Chinese from the takeout and I don't have preference?" Asked Klaus as he came into the room. I practically heard the eye roll from Elijah as he turned away from his brother who was lurking in the doorway. 

"Which would you 2 like? I'm sure you'd prefer to time travel on a full stomach correct?" Asked Elijah and I shrugged, foods food am I Right? 

"Pizza obviously" Said Rebekah and Elijah turned back to Klaus pointing to Rebekah and the middle child nodded before leaving the doorway. A crash was heard and some complaining before another crash and a laugh. "I wonders who's neck is broken?" Inquired Rebekah an they both started to listen more closely. "Ah it's Finn I'm guessing he wanted the Chinese" laughed Rebekah and I rolled my eyes, this family is strange. 

"Well let's get you ready and then go eat" Said Rebekah and Elijah took his leave as I finished putting my armour on, the pictures I usually kept tucked away safely stored inside again and my sword in its sheath. 

"Foods here you idiots move it" Shouted one of the others, Kol I think and we went downstairs. "Well don't you look fancy" he sarcastically commented as I saw a few unfamiliar faces which must be the witches who also helped themselves t the mounds of pizza the Mikaelsons ordered. 

After eating the witches Tom the sheet which held the spell from Rebekah and checked it over as the mentioned vampire went to go get the ingredients. As they prepared they drew a pentagram inside a circle and put the elements at the corners. When they received the ingredients from Rebekah they mixed them the way instructed and it made a gloopy liquid of some kind. 

And just as they were about to start chanting the spell. 

"Klaus!! We need your help!!" 

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