Chapter 13: Back In The USA

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Jeremy POV  

I quickly took the dagger from its holder on my waist and threw it with deadly precision to the impostor. As it flew through the air I turned to the man who still had my sword in his chest and removed it in one swift motion. Pain radiated through my back and I heard shouts and screams as I fell to my knees in pain. 

"Stefan, why would you do that?!!" I heard the Elena imposter screech and my anger grew as I drew on the strength of the need to get back to my family or at least avenge their loss. Standing up in shaky legs and grabbed the sword in a loose grip even if it was as stein  as I could manage. Groaning in pain as I felt the blade in my back push against something inside of me but as far as I could tell it hadn't done any permanent damage or at the very least damage that would lead to a quick death. 

"Jeremy!! Stop, Jer stop!!!" Shouted the caramel skinned girl. Ignoring her I looked to the dark blonde haired male and grew pissed off, since he was closer to my sisters imposter I'm guessing he must have stopped the dagger and threw it back to me. "Jeremy we just wanted to get you back, stop, we're sorry!!" She continued to shout as I moved towards the dark blonde haired male and raised my sword. 

"Should have thought about that sooner" I Said in a deadly calm tone and the look of confusion on Stefans face before I swung my sword to the side to try slice across his stomach. He moved back and nearly fell into the imposter but I quickly swung again but he didn't dodge my attack and he fell to the floor in pain. 

Seeing the imposter in my direct line of sight I glared at her icily calm. She seemed afraid, I could tell, but didn't back down as she stared at me with barely contained fear. "Jeremy if you can understand me please let me explain, please" she begged in a trembling voice. 

At this she reminded me so much of Elvorix who shares the same skin tone and hair Color but instead she has icy blue eyes not chocolate brown. My resolve crumbled and I collapsed to the floor as the adrenaline stopped flooding my system and the pain became apparent. 

White noise sounded in my ears as I lay on my side and my vision started to blur. I saw feet in my vision and frowned at the strange footwear but brushed it off as something was pressed against my mouth. Not moving fearing what these people would do to me in my vulnerable state I clenched my mouth closed as much as I could even though my mouth was still slacker than I'd like. 

Since I hadn't little energy to move my body beyond its slack position it was easy for someone to pry my mouth open. I also felt the dagger being drawn from its place in my back and blood gush out of it. An itchy feeling started in my back and I assumed it was some sort of medicine in whatever they were pouring into my mouth. Instead of opening my eyes with the little energy I had, which would have been nearly impossible with the state I was in, I let myself succumb to the darkness that could possibly be the end of the road. 


Elena POV 

When Jeremy passed out I sighed in stress and guilt and relief. He was alright, sort of. All that mattered was that he was back and he recognised me, eventually. 

Sighing I thought back to the only words that had left his mouth and started to ponder what language it could have been. It certainly wasn't one that if ever heard. 

"So anyone find it weird Little Gilbert didn't know who we were?" Said Damon as he rubbed his chest in self pity. The one thing I I'm sure we couldn't all agree with Damon on and we didnt have any possible explaination. "Anyone find it weird how he doesn't look like a teenager anymore?" He said and I took a proper look at my little brother. 

His skin seemed tanned and you could see plenty of scars on his arms and legs. His face held stubble that I'm sure wasn't there before except in places where scars were across his Facebook that looked painful to receive but long ago healed. All in all he seemed older but in a way not like maybe in his mid 20s. 

"Oh My God, he..... what happened to him?" I Said kneeling down so I could brush the hair from my brothers eyes. When asleep his face seemed softer less hardened by the world and the people in it, like a weight lifted off of his shoulders. "Bonnie, do you recognise the language he spoke before?" I asked wanting to at least know something that changed about my brother whilst he wasn't in his is little 'trip'. 

"Yeah I do and I know what's he said too" she said looking sad as she frowned down at Jeremy. With raised eyebrows we all turned to her for an explaination. "He spoke in Latin and he said 'should have thought about that sooner' or something around that it was definately in that context." She said and I sighed. 

Looking down at my brother I frowned whilst one thought circled my head: why didn't Jeremy want to be home? 

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