Chapter 12

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Ryan's POV
We went to Cane's right after the show. Both Amir and I were excited and a bit anxious. We waited for forever it seemed like. Amir got tired of just sitting so he went and ordered himself a sweet tea and some food. He gave me one of his chicken strips which was nice. I didn't even know I was hungry until I took a bite of it.

It was about twenty five minutes after we got there that we heard the door open. I looked back and saw that it was Mike. He was wearing different clothes that he had on at the show and smelled like he poured a whole bottle of cologne on himself.

"Hey." I said as I stood up. I was a little taller than him, but I was still so intimidated by him for some reason. He was so kind and had the sweetest smile, but I couldn't help but feel a little scared around him. "Hey Ryan." He said. Back to me. Amir tossed our food away and walked back over. "Hi Mike. I'm Amir." Amir said as he held out his hand for him to shake. "Hi Amir."

"Well I guess we should get going." I said. "The Bennington's stay up well passed midnight, but I really just want to get over there and see Chester's face when he sees you in his house." Mike nodded. "Okay lead the way Ryan." He said.

I led us out to my car and we all got in. Then I drove us to Chester's house. I parked in the drive way and got out. We walked to the door and I looked at Mike. "Okay look Chester is pretty much in love with you and I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable. Also he has really bad anxiety so if you could just be as chill as possible with him so he doesn't freak out, that'll be great." I said to him. He chuckled and nodded. "Got it."

I opened the door and went in. "Hey Mr. B." I said as I walked in. "Hey Ryan. How was the show?" He asked. "It was great and we brought a little present for Chester. We were wondering if we could take it to him." I said as I walked further in. Amir walked in and then Mike walked in and closed the door.

Chester's dad's eyes widened. "You brought Mike?! Please tell me you didn't kidnap him. I know you would do something like that." He said. I chuckled and shook my head. "We told Mike about Chester not being able to come so he decided he'd just come see Chester." I said. His dad nodded.

"Well that's great. You're all my son talks about so I know he's going to be amazed to see you here and hear that you wanted to come see him." Mike nodded. "Chester's a great kid. I remember him from earlier this year and it broke my heart hearing that he couldn't make it. I knew I had to come see him." Mike said. "He's in his room I think. If he's not there then he's in the back yard." We all nodded and I led the way to his room.

I knocked on the locked door. "Hey we're here." I said. "Okay. Let me put on some jeans so I'm not embarrassing myself in my underwear." He said with a laugh. He unlocked the door and opened it with a smile. His room was filled with smoke and he had some Stone Temple Pilots playing. He was shirtless, wearing blue jeans that hung low on his waist and had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Hey man. We brought you a present." I said as I pulled the CD out to him. His eyes widened. "Holy shit. You got it signed and everything. This is amazing Ryan." He said. I nodded. "Yeah, but we also got you something else." I said. I pulled Mike into the doorway of the room and Chester's jaw dropped.

The cigarette fell on the ground and I quickly picked it up. "No fires will be started on my watch." I said with a laugh. Mike and Amir laughed with me, but Chester was still staring at Mike in amazement.

Chester's POV
"Y-You... M-Mike... You're in my house." I stuttered. "Yeah I think so." Mike said with a smile. "Holy shit." I said. Everyone laughed. "Wow um... okay? Do you need anything? You want a drink? A smoke? Something to eat? Ah fuck let me put a shirt on and clean up around here. Ryan can you open that window to let out the smoke?" I said frantically. Ryan opened the window for me and I turned on my fan. The smoke started to slowly dissipate.

I frantically started putting dirty clothes in my hamper. "Chester." Mike said. My head shot up. The way he said my name sent electricity through my body. My anxiety was slowly rising.

The Mike Shinoda was in my home. In my room. I was about to freak out when all of that realization came over me.

"It's okay... you don't need to clean up. It's fine. Let's just hang out." He said. I swallowed and nodded. "Okay yeah." I said nervously. Mike Shinoda wanted to hang out with me?

We all sat around the room. I sat on the edge of my bed, Amir sat in my desk chair and Ryan sat on top of the desk. Mike walked over and sat on the edge of the bed with me.

Mike Shinoda was sitting on my fucking bed with me. I couldn't count how many times I had dreamt having him in my bed, but I tried not to think about that right then or I was going to have some problems.

"This is insane." I said. "How the fuck did you get him to come here?" I asked Ryan. "Did you kidnap him? Threaten him? Please tell me that they didn't do that to you Mike." Mike just shook his head and laughed. "It was his idea to come here actually. We told him you couldn't make it and he said he'd come see you." Ryan said. My jaw once again dropped. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me.

Amir and Ryan seemed to be unphased by the fact that Mike Shinoda was sitting in my room with us, just hanging out.

Mike smiled and looked around. There were posters of him all over the walls. His jacket was still hung on its hook on the wall. "This is kind of embarrassing..." I said. "I never thought that you'd come in here." He just smiled again.

"I like it." He said with a little shrug. "Which one's your favorite?" He asked. I turned a little red. "Um... I don't know... I guess this one." I said as I pointed to the poster that was hung on the wall behind my bed. It was a picture of him, Ryu and Tak together. He nodded. "I like that picture of us." He said.

It was quiet for a little while until Ryan stood up. "Well I'm gonna head home." He said with a fake yawn and stretch. "Come on Amir let's go." He said. "But-" Amir started. "Come on Amir." He said again. Amir looked at Mike and I and then back at Ryan. He nodded. He stood up and they started walking out the door.

"But Ryan don't you wanna stay?" I asked. I knew he was trying to get Mike and I alone, but I didn't want to be alone with him. In my dreams? Sure. In real life? Hell no. I wasn't good at speaking to people and I just knew that I was going to make a fool out of myself before the night was over.

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