Part 1

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Lana was awoken by a loud clap of thunder, looking at her clock she noticed it was flashing which meant the power had gone out at some point.   Still shaken by the thunder she grabbed her cell phone sitting on her night table to see the time.  Luckily it was only 4am.  Another loud clap startled her, along with something hitting the window.  She jumped up out of bed to look out the window.  It was the branches from a nearby tree banging against the side of the house very near the window.   It was then she noticed it was pouring out and very windy.  To her it almost look like a tornado of some sort was very near.  Things were flying around outside from the severe wind.  Again, another clap of thunder sounded startling her.  This time the power went out and stayed out.  

There was no way she was going back to sleep if this thunder kept up.  Turning on her flashlight, she grabbed her clothes to wear to work and headed for the bathroom to take a shower, then realized that there was no power, she couldn't take one, it was too dark.  More thunder sounded, more lightning lit her room up.  Should she wait for the power to come on or should she find candles to bring to the bathroom to have her shower?  She chose the candles and shower.  She thought it would be a distraction from the storm and hopefully by the time she was done the power would be back on.  

She was wrong.  Once showered and dressed, the storm was still strong, even stronger than earlier.  The wind picked up even more.  This time she was hearing sirens.  Car alarms were going off.  Power still out.

Lana remembered her laptop.  Taking a candle to the living room where her laptop sat, she turned it on.  Luckily it was always plugged in and kept charged so she could use it with the batteries.  She wanted to check the weather to see if there were any storm warnings but rolling her eyes, she realized, no power means no internet.   Her laptop was useless.  Oh wait, her cell has internet, which didn't run off wifi but had it's own internet.  She could get the weather report from that.  Hoping that the main internet wasn't gone.

There was indeed internet, slow but internet all the same.  Apparently there is a storm warning, tail end of a  tornado was heading her way.   There were warnings to stay off the road due to low visibility making it dangerous to drive.

Her phone rang, making her jump, almost jerking the phone out of her hand.  Her heart pounded as she stumbled for the button on the phone to say Hello.

"Hello."  Lana said as she gained composure.

"Lana, it's Melanie." Melanie was her boss at her job. " I am just calling you to say that you don't have to go into work today unless the storm eases off.  There is a state of emergency warning all schools around the area are closed, and most businesses will be closed.  We are one of them.  Keep your phone near in case it changes."  

"Ok ,thank you Melanie.  Thanks for letting me know.  I was kinda wary about driving out in this anyways. "  Lana said trying not to sound too happy.

Hanging up the phone, she looked around in the darkness with only candle light.  She couldn't do anything but listen to the storm.  She couldn't even make a coffee. Right then her phone rang again.  She looked at her phone and didn't recognize the number.  It was a strange number she hasn't seen before and so early.  

"Hello." Lana said.

"Hi, may I speak to Elana Jane Randell please."  Said the male voice.

"This is her, who may I ask is calling?"  Lana asked worried now asking for her full name and the fact that it's only 5am.

"Elana, my name is Darryl Ryan.  Sorry, I am calling so early there. "

"It's ok, I was woken up by the storm.  May I ask why you are calling this early?"  She asked.

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