Chapter 3 - Part 1

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"Thank you  Cooper.  I am still in shock with everything that went on today and can't believe how fortunate we are.  I can't wait to see more now." Elana said when he dropped her off outside the B& B. 

"No worries.  I will be here at 8 pm to pick you up."  He said as she walked to the door.

"See you then." She said walking in the door.

Upon entering her room she closed the door, sliding down the door, she sat on the floor and cried.  She had mixed thoughts and feelings.  She was excited to have the inheritance and was mad that her parents didn't tell her about the adoption and upset that her birth mother has passed and she didn't get a chance to know her.  Along with those feelings she felt guilty to take the inheritance from someone she didn't know.  She wanted to talk to Laura maybe she could catch her before work.  It was only 6:30 in the morning.  Getting up, wiping her tears away she took out her laptop and messaged her friend.

"Laura are you there?  I need to talk to you."  She typed then went to brew a coffee. 

"I'm here.  How did it go?" Laura typed back after a few minutes.

"Can we Video Chat?" Lana asked.

"Sure, give me a minute."  Laura asked.

While waiting Lana typed. " Be right back, have to run to the ladies room.  Just got back." 

"Ok, I'm back.  When you are back let me know."  Laura typed.

A minute later they connected on Video Chat.

"I only have a few minutes before I have to get the kids ready for school.  I just woke them up and have to check on them in just a few minutes to make sure they are up."  Laura said when they were face to face on chat.

"Sorry, Laura but I needed to talk to you.  We can talk later if you like.  I am going out at 8 tonight with Cooper to celebrate our inheritance." Lana sadly said.

"Lana?  An inheritance?  Wow.  Congrats.  Why aren't you happy about it? And what do you mean our inheritance?"  Laura asked.

"I don't know where to start." Lana said almost in tears.

"Lana, what's wrong?"  Her friend asked in concern.

"Laura, it's  a long story and you don't have time to listen to it all but yes our inheritance.  Cooper is part of it.  It's a big inheritance and also a big shock.  I found out news that you will never believe."

"What's that?" Laura asked hearing her kids talking in the back ground. "Give me a minute please.  I am just going to get them their cereal then you can tell me." 

"Ok, say hi to the boys for me."  Lana said 

While waiting for her friend to come back, Lana pondered on how to tell her.  She thought of just waiting until there was more time and no distractions on her side but she opened it up and now have to tell her something at least.

Laura sat back down and put her headphones on.  

"Welcome back." 

"Thanks.  Now tell me what the news is." Laura said

"Ok.  Let me start with this lady who named me in her Will.  I had no clue who she was and still didn't know who she was.  However, she knew me. " Lana said then decided just to blurt it out. "Laura, she is my birth mother."

"What?  You have to be joking."  Laura gasped in surprise.

"No, I am not.  There is so much proof and I am sick to my stomach.  My parents kept it from me with good reason apparently and when this lady, Claire, found out that both my parents have passed on she put me in her Will.  When she passed on they, the lawyers, searched for me for months so that her Estate could be dealt with.  The inheritance is big, I am a rich woman along with Cooper but I don't know what to do?"

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