Chapter 5 Part 3

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"Mom, why are you going to England for that long?" Kaitlyn asked after her mother told her the news.

"Well, I met a man, who you will meet in just a little while and he would like me to go to England and help him get a B&B ready for the summer."  She said hoping her daughter believed her story.

"Why you?  Why not someone in England or someone who actually works there?" She asked.

"Kaitlyn, I am going to England for a month and why I am going is irrelevant," Lana said with a little force. "Now help me with dinner while we talk.  Curtis, you can watch tv."

"Mom, why is there a limo pulling up in the driveway?" Kaitlyn said noticing through the window.

"That's Cooper.  He is the man who is from England.  I will be right back."  She said leaving her daughter in the kitchen. " Keep an eye on the vegetables." 

Running out the door to meet Cooper before he entered the house she arrived out of breath.

"What's wrong Lana?" 

"Cooper, my daughter is in there and I told her that you are here to take me back to England to get your B&B ready for the summer.  I stopped her before she asked more questions that I couldn't answer.  She is watching, forgive me when I do this."  She said then kissed him on the lips. 

"Sorry, I want her to think we have something going on because I don't want her to believe I am going to England with a complete stranger for a month," Lana said as they pulled apart.

Smiling he took her hand and walked in the house with Lana.  After the introductions, Lana asked Cooper to sit with Curtis in the living room while the girls discussed the plan.

"Well, you didn't tell me he was your boyfriend," Kaitlyn said with a smirk. 

"Kaitlyn, yes he is and has been for a while.  That's why I am going to help him with his B&B." 

"I see.  Is that why you asked me here for dinner, to tell me this?" She asked.

"No, Kaitlyn.  I asked you here for another reason." Lana said taking the dishes out of the cupboard to set the table. "Are you still having problems with your rent?" 

"Well, yes, but I am catching up. They pulled the eviction notice because I am making a payment plan and working part-time now." 

"That's great. How much do you owe?"  Lana asked.

"Mom, why are you asking me this.  We are taking care of it." Kaitlyn blurted out.

"Kaitlyn, I am glad to know that and that you have a part-time job.   Do you like it?"

"Not at all, I hate it.  I can't leave because if I do I will get evicted." Kaitlyn said helping her mother set the table now. 

"You hate every job you work at.  Why don't you move here, in this town, there is more work here and you might find something you like better here." 

"I want to but I don't have the money for first and last months rent and without a job, you can't get a place to rent."

"Hmmm.  Cooper and Curtis can you dish up dinner, we will be right back.  Come with me outside for a minute." Lana said dragging her daughter outside.

"What are we doing out here?" Kaitlyn asked.

"For one, I want a smoke, don't you?" SHe asked.

"Of course." She said as they both lit their smoke.

"Kaitlyn, I have a proposition for you but there are conditions."

"A proposition?" She said, "I'm listening."

"Ok, you don't like your job and you owe back rent.  I can help if you want."

"Sounds interesting.  How so?" Kaitlyn asked.

"I need someone to look after my house for a month," Lana said. "

"You want me to look after this house for a month and in return, you can help me with my back rent?" She asked.

"Yes, and when I return,  you can start packing up your place.  Put everything into storage and move in here until you both get sorted.  So before you leave put your notice in and then I will speak to your landlord to take care of the back rent." 

"Mom, this doesn't make sense.  How can you afford this?  You are off for the summer and you don't make that much money."  Kaitlyn was confused.

"Honey, Cooper owns a business which he is trying to get back on its feet and offered me good money to help him.  I told him I didn't need his money but insisted so I thought of doing this for you." 

"You said there are conditions though." 

"Yes, while you are here for the month.  You must find a full time job, the both of you and the house has to be in the same condition as it is now when I return.  I will get you to sign a contract stating that if you break the condition and can't find a job by the end of the month stay, you have to pay me back for the back rent and you have to find your own place and can no longer stay with me."

Kaitlyn put her head down and was about to say something when Lana spoke up again. " Kaitlyn darling" oh boy now she is saying catchy she thought. " Before you start to think I don't have confidence in you or trust you, think about it for a while before you say anything."

"Mom, I know.  I am actually tired of trying to get him to look for work.  I am about to send him to the curb. " She said smiling which surprised Lana. "Thank you so much, I am in, I will look after the house for a month." 

"Don't' forget, you both have to have a job when I get back, full time."

"What if I have one but he doesn't?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Honey, now that I heard what you said, that is easy.  He has to move out and owes half the back rent that I will be paying.  It's simple, if he wants to keep you and not have to pay all that money then he has to get a job."

The door opened which made the girls jump. "Sorry to interrupt you but Tea is served,"  Cooper announced.

"Thanks, Cooper, we will be right in."  Lana said as they put their butts in the butt bin then went inside to join the men. 

"Dinner was delicious," Kaitlyn said. " Curtis and I will do the dishes." 

"That will be nice. Thank you Katy"  Lana said.

"Besides," she whispered. "It will give me a chance to talk to him about it." 

"Ok, sounds good. We will go outside for a smoke." Lana said grabbing Cooper's hand to lead him outside.

"Tea was great," Cooper said lighting both smokes then changed the subject. "So how did it go with Kaitlyn?"

"Well, she is going to go for it but I think we are going to have a problem with her boyfriend.  SHe's been trying to get him to get a job for a long time now.  She doesn't think he will even try."

"Did you give her any consequences?"  He asked her.

"Yes, I did.  Told her if they didn't both have a full-time job when I returned they would have to pay for the back rent that I agreed to pay for them in return for taking care of the house for a month."  Lana said with a smirk on her face.

"Are you serious?  It's hard enough finding a job parttime, let alone a full-time job.  You are just mean." He said smiling trying not to laugh out loud.

"Well, it will give them a push.  I won't actually be that mean.  I will work something out when I return, depending on the situation at the time." Lana admitted with a smile as they both finished with their smokes.

---------- to be continued-------

Hope you enjoy this story so far.   Please like and comment ... I need all the inspiration I can get to continue.  :))  JoJo

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