Chapter 4 Part 3

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The next morning Lana woke up before her alarm. It gave her enough time to shower, put on a pot of coffee and make sure the house was in order.

Looking on her phone she noticed that there were messages on Facebook for her from Cooper telling her that he was looking forward to dinner tonight and asked if she wanted him to bring wine. She replied stating she already had wine but if he wanted something different, like beer, he could bring that or they can both pick it up after she picks him up.

Putting her phone in her purse she realized that once she left the house she won't have any internet until she got to work.  Taking her phone back out she quickly checked her phone to see if he had replied.

          "Lana, I know you have work tomorrow, so we can enjoy the night with a glass of wine or two with our meal.  However, I will pick up more wine and beer for the weekend, if you don't mindLooking forward to this evening and will see you later.  Have a good day at work Darlin'  can't wait." 

Lana replied;

          "Cooper sounds good. We can stop into LCBO after I pick you up.  Can't wait either.  See you then."

Putting her phone in her purse she grabbed her keys, looked around to see if nothing was out of place, locked the door behind her then headed off to work.  

On the way to work all she kept thinking about was his plans for the weekend and the fact that he again called her Darlin'.  Blushing she tried her hardest not to daydream too much so not to get into to an accident.

Finally, she pulled into the school parking lot, turned off the ignition and just sat there.  She didn't want to go to work today, she wanted to stay home and spend the day with Cooper but she only had a couple of days left and then off for the summer or longer.   Looking around she didn't see Laura's car.  Her hubby did say she was going to work today, didn't he?  She thought.

Laura didn't show up for work which left Lana worried.  She must be really sick she thought.  All she could think about until the first break was calling Laura during break.  Dodging her coworker's questions she decided to go sit in her car and call Laura.

"Laura, are you ok?" Lana asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"Yes, Lana." She whispered. " I just have laryngitis."

Lana sighed a sigh of relief. "Phew, I am glad.  I mean, I thought you were deathly ill."

"I am ill but not deathly.  I so wanted to come into work today but the doctor advised me against it. "  Whispering again.

"I do hope you feel better soon.  I am going to pop over after work for a few minutes." Lana told her friend.

"Ok.  I won't be going to class tomorrow but will be there at the end of the day to pick up my things and to give the kids an end of school year send off. " Laura managed to get out in between breath trying to speak.

"Ok Laura, I will let you go and rest your voice and I will see you after school today," Lana said.

Lana went back to class and prepared for the end of the school year.  While doing this she put a movie on for the kids.  Choosing one of the kids to help her she managed to get everything she set out to do done.

"Thank you, Jessica, for your help. " She said smiling at Jessica sending her back to her seat once the movie was over.

Lana had to tell her kids that she may not be returning next year but didn't have the heart.  Even though she will get a new set of kids next year she does visit her old students from time to time.

"Ok class. " She finally said after a long silence. "As you all know, tomorrow is the last day of the year.  I want you all to make sure you all show up, I have a special treat for you all."

Oh boy, why did I say that?  She thought to herself knowing quite well she never had anything for them yet and she had forgotten she had plans after work. When was she supposed to find the time to get that special treat for the kids before class the next day.

For the rest of the school day, the class had read an assignment they had completed.  It was a letter thanking someone special in their life for making it better.  A few had written to their teacher Miss Randell which brought tears to her eyes but held back.  

"Class, those were amazing letters.  Well done.  For such a great job, we are going to enjoy the rest of the day by turning on music and cleaning out all of our cubby holes and retrieving all your art and papers off the walls.  Any of you who don't want them, leave them and I will take care of them for you.  As soon as we are done we are going to spend the last hour making get well cards for Mrs. Michaels.  She is off with laryngitis." She said handing out cardstock to her class.

The bell couldn't ring fast enough.  She gathered up her things and took them to her car including the cards.  

On the way to Lauras, all she could think about was Cooper and her class.  She had spread herself too far today and felt overwhelmed.

First stop was Lauras.  She couldn't wait to tell her about her surprise visit from Cooper. 

"Oh my God." Laura whispered as they sat on the front porch where there was privacy. " I can't wait to meet him."

"Oh you will.  I don't know how long he is here for nor do I know why he is here.  He never told me. " Lana said with a smile on her face which Laura noticed more than a smile. 

"You said you driving around town in a limo and he never told you why he was here.  What in the world were you chatting about?"  She said getting a little more vocal.

"I know he is here to talk me into keeping the Estate but he never said that he didn't have to.  WHy else would he be here?"  Lana said. 

"True but he could be here because he has feelings for you." Laura grinned.

"Oh shut up.  That's not right at all." Lana blurted with a wide smile. "Now, I have something for you from my class."

Handing her the cards she smiled and stated "I have to go and pick him up, go to the liquor store and go shopping for the kids.  I told them I had something special for them but forgot I had so much to do.  So I better run.  Good to hear your voice sounds a little better though." 

Laura watched her best friend rattle on as she tried to cover up her infatuation with Cooper.  She has never seen her so giddy, so happy and so prepared to fib about her feelings as if she doesn't know the difference yet.  Standing up she gave her friend a hug and watched as she drove away before she turned to go inside.

---- to be continued----

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