Chapter 4 Part 2

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"Tea was lovely." Cooper said as they were leaving the restaurant, singling the driver who was sitting a few tables away from them, to take his time."

"Yes, it was good and I am sure that the driver appreciates a free meal as well." Lana said with a smile.

"I am sure he does and in appreciation he told me he will drive us around and give me a tour before he is done for the night."

"That was nice of him. He does seem like a nice man."  She said as she stood against the wall in the smoking area enjoying her smoke.

"I remember when I drove for Claire, she would always feed me.  Most of the time I would stay in the car and eat so that she can have privacy but a lot of times she would invite me to join her. " Cooper said looking a little down as he brought up a memory of a woman who he was treated as a son from.

"Awwww that was so sweet.  She sounds like a very nice woman." Lana said smiling.

"Nice is an understatement, she was amazing.  You would never know that her upbringing was as bad as it was."  He said immediately regretted saying that but fortunately Lana didn't seem to have heard that part.

"I am glad to hear that. She looked very sweet on the video."  She said remembering the video then quickly changed the subject. " Hey, why don't we drop your luggage off a the hotel y then we can go on with our tour of this lovely city." 

"Sounds good to me, I am done now.  You finish up and I will go and take care of the drivers tab." He said putting his fag butt in the butt extinguisher.

Moments later they were on their way.  For the rest of the evening they did as planned, ending the night dropping Lana off home and saying goodnight.

"I had a lovely evening, thank you." Cooper said at her door step. "Would you like to meet again tomorrow after you finish work to discuss the estate?  We can't keep putting it off." 

Lana knew it was too good to be true.  She knew it wouldn't be too long before he wanted to talk about it since it was mainly what he came to her for.

"Yes, of course.  This time we will eat in.  I can make us dinner and we will discuss it then."  She said as he stood just a foot away from her on the front step.

"Good.  I really did enjoy this evening and don't want it to end but I am super tired and jet lagged."  He said then stepped in towards her.

"I am glad you did and so did I."  She said turning to put her key in the door. " You have a good sleep and I will see you tomorrow after work.  Would you like me to pick you up when I get off work?" 

"That sounds good." He said stepping back knowing she was avoiding the concept of him leaning in to kiss her goodnight.  He didn't want to move too fast but he did want to kiss her.  Instead he leaned back in and kissed her cheek.

Blushing, she looked up at him and said goodnight and that she would see him tomorrow then pushed open her door.  She watched him get in the car as they waved at each other then waited for the car to back out and drive away before closing and locking the door.

"OMG." Lana said out loud. "I can't believe he came all this way to talk to me about the estate.  He must have something else in mind."

Lana didn't know what to think or do.  She looked around and was glad her house wasn't a mess but there were dishes in the sink and her clothes were hanging over the rail in the bathroom. Blushing she made sure nothing was out of place when he showed up tomorrow.

Remembering she was going to cook dinner for them tomorrow, she looked in her fridge and cupboards to make sure everything was there for what she had in mind.  Luckily for her it was, including a bottle of wine.  However, she did have to work the following day so drinking was out of reach for her but maybe one glass of wine.  He can drink the wine or maybe she will pick up beer for him before picking Cooper up.

After cleaning up and taking the meat out of the freezer and putting it in the fridge to defrost she called Laura.  Unfortunately, she had already gone to bed.  It wasn't late but according to Laura's husband, she wasn't feeling  well.  Her husband did say she will be going to work tomorrow and Friday since it's her last two days for the year.  

Lana went to bed early herself but couldn't sleep.  Visions of the days events kept going through her mind. Tossing and turning she decides she would get up and pour herself a glass of wine to relax her. An hour or so later she finally drifted off with Cooper still in her thoughts.

----- to be continued ----

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