Chapter 4 Part 4

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Waking up refreshed, Lana jumped into the shower.  Upon going back to her room to get dressed, she smelled food.  Where is that smell coming from?  She thought, then remembered. 

"Cooper!!" Lana said when she got dressed and joined Cooper in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Lana.  You look confused." He said dishing up their bacon and eggs.

"Sorry, just not use to waking up with someone in the house making me breakfast, let alone a man," Lana said with a smile. "besides, it smells delicious." 

Sitting down at the table Cooper and Lana locked eyes.  "Lana, we need to talk." 

Lana knew what Cooper wanted to talk about and tried to avoid it since he arrived on Wednesday but couldn't avoid it any longer.  He was going to ask about the estate and she still didn't have any answers for him but did have some sort of a plan.

"Lana, you can't avoid this any longer.  You and I both know why I came here and I am not leaving until we come to a conclusion." He announced with a little force in his tone.

"Let's finish breakfast first, please. " Lana begged.

"Ok, but as soon as we do we are seriously going to talk about this." He said digging into his breakfast.

Eating in silence, Lana tried to come up with some reason to avoid this but thought better of it.  She needed more time to think about it but the longer she put it off the more she would have to deal with Cooper.  

"Ok, breakfast is done, washing up is cleared up.   Now, let's go sit on the sofa with our Cuppas and go over this. " He said holding her arm as if dragging her to the living room.

Lana was surprised, she hadn't seen him this aggressive since they met, it was kinda sexy.  She thought.

Settling down on the sofa with their cuppas, Cooper pulled out his briefcase with paperwork in it and set it down on the coffee table in front of them.

"What's all this?" Lana asked.

"This my dear is the numbers that the B&B/Hotel has profited in the last couple of months."  Cooper excitedly stated as he showed her all that he wanted her to see to get her to make up her mind.

"Are you telling me that since I left and since my "mother" left ,  the profit margin raised considerably?" Lana assumed.

"Yes, Lana.  I am not sure if it is because of your mother's passing or from some other unknown reason but from the graphs and the monthly reports, our little B&B is bringing in a considerable amount of profits each month.  We can't sell it." 

"Cooper, these numbers show us that if we do sell right now we will be multi-millionaires.  Not just the 1.5 mils we got but triple that.  We won't have to work anymore for the rest of our lives."

"You are correct Lana.  The B&B and Ranch, if we sell them for their market value minus all the fees, " he said pulling out that piece of paper. "then splitting the balance, we will both come out of it with 11.4 mil UK each.  That's for both estates."  

Lana's jaw dropped. "Oh my God. See we won't have to work anymore for the rest of our lives." 

"Lana." He said taking a deep breath to try and explain it to her for her to understand a little better. "We can't sell.  Plain and simple.  I don't want to sell and I can't afford to buy your half.  I want us to keep it and for me to run it, for us to run it." 

"Cooper, why can't you sell it?"  Lana asked, thinking he was a tad emotional when he stated that he can't sell it.

"Please, just leave it at that.  I don't want us to sell it."  He said then pulled out another sheet of paper.

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