Chapter 2 - Part 3

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Lana opened up the chat for Laura and started to type.

"Hi Laura, are you there?"  Lana was hoping.

No answer.  She waited a few more minutes then checked the responses from her photos and posts she  uploaded earlier.  Smiling at the responses she clicked like on them.

Minutes later Laura finally responded.

"Yes, I am here.  How are you?" Laura typed.

"I am great thank you.  So much to say too much to type.  Would you like to facetime?"  Lana asked.

"Sure, let me get my head phones.  Kids are a little rowdy."  Laura responded.

Hearing the sound of facetime ringing Lana speaks freely. "Hello there.  Good to see you Laura."

"Yes, it is.  How was your flight?"  Laura asked.

"It was long.  Delayed at departure and delayed at arrival.  I was happy to see my driver didn't leave me stranded after waiting so long."  She laughed.

"That's good to hear. " She smiled. "You look tired." 

"I am very tired. It's.." looking at the time on the clock " 10:15pm here now and I have to be at the lawyers office by 9am.  Cooper will be here first thing in the morning."

"Cooper?  Who is this Cooper?" Laura quarried.

Blushing with a little smirk Lana said " He is my driver or should say chauffeur.  He is the lawyers nephew who he ask as a favor to chauffeur me around for a week."

"You are blushing." Laura snicker with a big smile on her face. "Sounds like he is more than a chauffeur."

"No, not at all.  However, he did give me a tour of the town and took me to a pub for food and a drink. "  She said feeling flushed trying to hide it.  "He is a nice looking man and we did have a nice conversation ."

"Hmmmm,  I think you have a thing for this Brit."  Laura laughed but being serious all the same.

"For one he isn't a Brit, he is Irish with a Brit posh accent.  I do like him as a person.  He is such a gentleman.  Pulling out my chair, opening and closing the car door for me.  Oh speak about the car, it is so strange sitting in the drivers seat and not driving and so scary driving on the wrong side of the road." Lana rambled on.

"Hey now slow down." Laura said putting her hand up for her friend to stop talking for just a second. "Let me get this straight.  You like him as a person but your face is blood red and you can't stop saying these good things about it.  Makes me think there is something more to this than you let on."

"No, there isn't.  I am just telling you the way it is.  He is my chauffeur who happens to be cute and a gentleman.  Scares me though."  Lana said changing the smile to a scared look.


"Because, he is too good to be true.  I guess I watch too many horror shows and crime movies where the guy is so perfect in the beginning then do a turn around.  I keep feeling he is going to drive me somewhere remote and kill me or something else bad."

"Stop that.  Think positive girl.  Enjoy it while you can."  Laura said trying to get those thoughts out of her head.

"I can't help it."  Lana said "I do see something in him though that makes me trust him.  The more we talk, the more I feel comfortable with him and safe.  Oh, did I tell you that he is also named in the Will?" 

"No, is he family to the lady who passed?"

"All he said is that he knew her well and can't say anything else." Lana said.

"At least you will find out tomorrow.  Make sure you let me know.  Leave me a message if it can't wait but I will be here same time tomorrow and we can chat again on here."

"I will.  I just can't believe how well I am been treated.  Credit card, cash, free hotel, free chauffeur, free flight and my fridge.. which is like a bar fridge, is stocked up.  Either this person is the queen or is rich.  I can't wait to find out tomorrow who she is.  Oh ..." Lana said remembering that she was going to look up the ladies name. "I was going to look up her name online to see if she was anyone important but I actually forgot it.  Tomorrow will tell me all."

"Wow, sound like you are being treated like a princess.  Wish I could be there with you." Laura pouted.

"I do too."  Lana said. "For now, I am going to say goodnight.  We will talk tomorrow and will let you know everything.  I will also send you a link to this bed and breakfast, it is breath taking. Hold on, I will spin the laptop around so you can see the room."

"Oh wow, it is beautiful." Laura said in awe.

"I will show you more tomorrow. Actually, I have a new phone, which he also gave me, with unlimited data.  I can give you a tour after all is sorted out with the lawyer."

"Sounds good, but wait, by the time I get home from work it will be after 10 your time.  You will have to take a video and post or just show it to me when you take it."   Laura said.

"Ok will do.  You have a good night, this wine is make me more drowsy."  Lana said

"Goodnight and good luck."

"Thank you.  Talk to ya tomorrow.  Bye."  

Lana sent Laura the link of the B&B/ hotel and put on her housecoat.  She wanted a smoke but didn't want to go out on the balcony with her house coat on.  Looking around she noticed curtains closed and thought maybe she could open the window and blow the smoke out the window.  Realizing where the window was located she turned around looking parallel to the window was the balcony to the car park.  Confused and tired she couldn't see how both the window and balcony were opposite to each other since the outside of the building looked alot wider than the room was.  

Opening the curtains, she saw that instead of a window there was another balcony.  Shaking her head in confusion she stepped out on the balcony and sat in a chair that was there with a small table.  It was too dark even with a full moon to see anything out there.  All she saw were lights from other rooms that also had the same view she saw which looked like a courtyard with something in the middle she couldn't quite make out.

Enjoying the cool night air and the stars in the sky she sat back and relaxed while having her smoke.  All was on her mind was what she was going to encounter tomorrow and the thought of seeing Cooper again.

Before going to bed Lana prepared her clothes for the meeting in the morning, then crawled into bed.  

She couldn't sleep, tossing and turning she turned on the night light and decided to read to try and occupy her mind with something else.  Finally, after an hour she drifted off and woke up with the book by her side and the night light on.

Looking at the time she jumped out of bed.  It was 8am.  She wondered why her alarm didn't go off.  She brewed her coffee in the one cup brewer and quickly took a shower, got dressed and applied her makeup.  Not having time to do anything to her hair, she pinned it back like she do for work.  It was now 8:20 and her coffee was almost cold.  Popping it in the microwave for a minute she put on her shoes and jacket.

Cooper told her he would be there between 8:30 and 8:45am.  With a few minutes to spare, she grabbed her coffee and sat out on the balcony facing the car park for a smoke to wait for him.

Just as she was getting up to go inside she saw Coopers car pull in.  Closing and locking the sliding door she laid her coffee cup on the table and headed outside to his car, locking the door behind her.

----to be continued----

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