A Royal Invitation - Visaerya

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     Nearly a fortnight has passed since Rhaena has disappeared. Daemon's mental health has begun to sway dangerously towards insanity. His sister's missing status has taken a toll on how he chooses to rule his people. The commoners come to him needing assistance and the criminals come to him requiring justice. He chooses to help no one. He sends the commoners away or cuts the hands off of a mere bread thief. He's even sentenced one to death for taking two gold pieces from a woman. Visaerya can do nothing to calm him anymore. He yells at her and sends her away for attempting to reason with him. Her son is slipping from her grasp because of the little bitch running away. However, she doesn't feel anger for her anymore. Only... sadness.

     Visaerya has no clue where she could have gone. They have no allies anywhere. Only King's Landing but even then, they can be betrayed easily. A Targaryen has no one in these lands anymore. King's Landing. Visaerya home, her birthplace. Where she lived before this cursed island with her twin and their false betrothal. He was ripped from her just as much as she from him when they decided that Rhaella was a better match. They told her that she was not mature enough and that their sister was a better fit. She did not know the whole story, yet she did hear something of a long dead prophecy. Visaerya would be damned if she was passed over because of some fairy tale told to children. Surely, there had to be more to it but she will never know.

     Visaerya remembers looking out of her window from her room in Maegor's Holdfast, the place where the royals all slept soundly at night. She loved the smell of the city, no matter how awful it was. She knew that one day it would be all hers and she embraced it. She remembers how beautiful her chambers were and how Aerys took it upon himself to decorate it all. He knew her so well and she knew him. He knew all of her favorites, what she admired most and how much she longed to be the queen. She knew he loathed Rhaella and would have killed her if it meant he could marry his twin instead.

     From her room in Driftmark, all she could see was the ocean. Endless sapphire water stretching over the horizon. No red roofed city or horrible smell. Only ocean mist and sea smell. She angrily closes her window's shutters and lights a candle. The candle has a small glow but lights her room. Deep crimson drapes from her bed's canopy and makes the room glow an eerie bloody color. Visaerya looks in to the candle and feels the heat on her face. Too many times has she attempted to touch the flames but burned in the process. And yet, today was another one of those times. Lightly, she taps the flame and cringes at the sharp pain that ensues on her finger.

      As she sets the candle down angrily, fuming at her lack of dragon blood, a knock came gently to the door. "My Lady Velaryon." The Maester calls, chains clinking as he no doubt shuffles behind the door. She rolls her eyes and opens the door. He holds a scroll adorned with the seal of House Baratheon of King's Landing. She snatches it from him and unrolls the thin paper.

To be delivered to: The Lord or Lady of Driftmark

You are cordially invited to attend the royal wedding of King Joffrey Baratheon, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men and Lady Margaery Tyrell of House Tyrell. The wedding will be held within the coming month and we gladly anticipate your arrival.

     After all this time, she will finally return to her home. She gleefully smiles before realizing the maester's presence and quickly wipes the smile from her face. "Well? What are you waiting for? Your own invitation to write back immediately and reserve our places?" She flicks the scroll at him and pushes by him to go to Dae's room. Surely this will get him out of his slump. She prays it will. A new surrounding is bound to cheer anyone up. Fresh air, new faces, a beautiful city. She knocks lightly on his door. "Dae?" She calls softly, pushing his door open.

      The room is dark. Almost pitch black dark save for the thin slivers of light coming in through his closed shutters. Clothes are thrown on the floor carelessly in heaps and some wine has spilled in the corner of the room. "Dae...?" She sees him curled up on his bed, muttering incoherently to himself repeatedly. He's growing worse. "Dae. Prepare your things. We're going to King's Landing for a wedding. Won't that be fun?" Visaerya attempts to say cheerfully but gets no response, only silence. She sits on the edge of his bed and touches his face lightly but he cringes. "Please, Dae. We need to go. Don't you want to see the place of my birth?"

     "The place of father's death..." He grumbles angrily. Visaerya thinks first of Aerys before realizing he means Trysten. She sighs.

     "Yes, Dae. Though, things have changed for the better."

     "I'll be killed... I'll be killed..."

     "No you won't. Stop it!" She rises. "Now pack your things. We leave at the end of the week." She leaves him to resume his incoherent nonsense with guilt in her heart. In a way, she's done this to him. Had she not had her affair with Aerys, surely he would have turned out fine. Free from madness. However, she wouldn't love him as much as she does now. Unlike his sister, he is pure and he will stay that way, madness or not.

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