The Crypts - Jon/Visaerya/Rhaena

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     Jon's cloak is ripped from his back by the powerful, enormous jaws of the undead dragon. The blue flames threaten to burn him entirely as Viserion stretches his neck desperately in an attempt to get a clear shot at him. He never does, instead taking to biting Rhaegal harshly and digging his rotten claws in to his chest. The green dragon cries out in pain but continues to fight, finally taking to falling out of the sky as Drogon and his mother intervene. The bluish figure of the Night King is thrown from his mount, in to the clouds where he disappears without a sound.

     Jon futilely attempts to regain control over Rhaegal, but the dragon plummets from the sky and does not obey. White hot fear overcomes Jon as he begins to believe this is his end. He grips Rhaegal's spikes as tightly as he can in an attempt to not be thrown off, but as the dragon flaps his wings wildly just before hitting the ground, Jon falls from him as his hits the ground roughly and tumbles in to the snow with a series of frantic chirps. Jon falls in to a bank of snow. The rocks beneath the blanket of white push in to his armor and bruise his flesh beneath. He coughs and pushes himself to his feet. Rhaegal lays in the bank, licking his wounds and refusing to go any further. Jon then takes to running, limping back to the flames in the distance that surround Winterfell. 

     He grunts from the pain stinging his side but pushes himself further. In the skies, Drogon descends slowly, turning his attention to the distant figure of the Night King. The dragon breathes a column of flame down on to the area he stands in. It lasts for several long seconds as Jon finally reaches them. Relief overcomes him, but he stands straight with his hand on Longclaw's hilt, ready for anything. Is the Night King finally defeated? Have they survived the night?

     But his figure emerges, an icy lance in his hand as he grins up at Daenerys and her dragon. The two immediately soar away as fast as they can, narrowly dodging the spear that was hurled towards them. His blue eyes turn on Jon, full of hate and determination. The two stare at each other, waiting for the other to make a move on the field surrounded by fallen soldiers. And the second the Night King raises his arms slowly, Jon breaks in to a sprint.


     Visaerya's eyes drift from one statue to another

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     Visaerya's eyes drift from one statue to another. All the faces look the same yet they bear different names. She's surprised she wasn't barred from being down here due to her family's past and the fact she would stand with their decisions had she been there. The atmosphere of the crypts feels exactly like Driftmark, minus the freezing cold. The torches add a stuffy feeling to the air as smoke rises from it and clings to the ceiling. The smell of death is strong as well as the stench that the mildew leaves behind. Small vines of moss drape from the ceiling in the otherwise pristine looking crypts - well, pristine is not the right word to describe a dank, dark crypt.

     The Lady of Winterfell had descended a short while ago and is seated some feet away from the former princess on the opposite side of the row. Many civilians litter the crypt's rows as well and some carry small daggers or torches and walk up and down the rows like they are on patrol. What will they find here? Rats? Visaerya doesn't wish to be here a moment longer. The occasional glare from the red headed lady has stopped bothering her after the third time it occurred. Instead, Visaerya takes to narrowing her eyes at Sansa Stark whenever she meets her eyes. Finally, the lady takes her leaves and goes to the end of the row to speak with the Imp.

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