White Harbor Bound - Rhaena

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     Rhaena feels a cool sensation wash over her out on the open sea

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     Rhaena feels a cool sensation wash over her out on the open sea. A feeling of so many burdens being freed from her shoulders. For the majority of the ride so far, she has stood at the bow of the ship, watching the open ocean and occasionally sitting with her legs dangling over the sides. She has always loved the ocean as any true Velaryon does. She ran back and forth on the deck, up to the wheel where the captain steers and back down again. The misty air feels much better than the air back on Driftmark. She spins on the deck, sliding her bare feet across the wet wooden boards of the deck. Never in her life has she felt such happiness or such a feeling of freedom.

     At nights, she joined the crew down below the deck and listened to their lutes and singing of sea shanties. She even danced with them occasionally and shared in their foods and wines. Wine has never tasted as good to her as it does now. They have been at sea now for little over four days yet the Captain has said they will dock within the next few days. The Captain is a kind man. He's brought her to his quarters several times to tell her about her father. Rain relishes the stories. He spoke of how he and Trysten were good friends and went sailing together many times. How Trysten was called the Dragon of the Sea by the townsfolk for his love of the ocean and his ferocity in battle. All of his titles are reflection of who he was. The Dragon of the Sea, the Gentle Sea Dragon, the Bringer of Peace. Rhaena wonders if she will ever hold titles in the future. Though, one comes to mind. The Dragon of the Sea, in memory of her father.

     Tonight, the Captain has called for her again for another tale. "I remember the day you were born, my girl." He says, sipping some wine from a glass. "The bells rang from the castle though they didn't ring for you."

     "What do you mean?"

     "Word of Lord Trysten's death had arrived the same day. No one knew if the bells were signaling your birth or his death. I knew the lady of the castle had contempt for him. I knew the bells were for him and not the child he left behind. And they were. A crier informed us of his death but not of your birth until days later."

     "Why did she hate him so much?"

     "That I can only speculate about. I do know she was to marry her twin, Aerys, when they were younger. The council passed over her in favor of Rhaella, though. She was to marry Trysten shortly after that." The Captain tells her. Silence passes between them before he speaks again. "We will reach White Harbor at the break of dawn. I believe you will be leaving us then."

      Rhaena smiles sadly. "I'm afraid so." She grasps his hand. "I can't thank you enough for this."

     The Captain smiles back, squeezing her hand. "Where will you go, child?"

     "I made a promise to a friend. I seek to join the Night's Watch. An impossible feat, I'm sure." He nods with a sigh.

     "The Night's Watch. They've fallen on hard times, but I am sure they will grow strong once more. I wish you the best of luck, my dear."

     On the ninth day of sailing, the winds grew colder and when Rhaena went above deck, she was met with a light flurry of snowflakes dancing in the air. The clouds were grey and not a ray of sunshine was able to shine through the thickness of them. The city they approached was large and bustling, like Pearl's Eye if they ever received more visitors. The lands beyond and surrounding were bleak, dull green and capped with piles of snow. The dull nature of the land compared to the vibrant colors of the South were beautiful. They were a welcome sight and let her know she was truly free at last. Her mother would never think to look for her in the North. She could hide among the dead brittle trees and hunt for the first time instead of shooting mere targets with arrows.

     Her arms ache out of lack of use. She thirsts deeply for some kind of battle but tells herself she will see it soon. True battle. Not battle against someone who probably let her win. A true test of her skill awaits her at the Wall and, maybe someday, beyond. She would like to see what it is like beyond the Wall. She's heard of giants and polar bears and lands forever touched by winter. It must be unbelievably cold there, surely colder than it is here right now. Thinking that this weather she is experiencing now pales in comparison to beyond the Wall makes her wrap her cloak around her for comfort.

     At the docks, the Captain sees her off after she brings Lys up from her holding area below the ship. Lys seems a bit shaky from being out on open water but is adjusting well. She was fed properly during the ride, feasting on apples and carrots throughout the journey. Now, Rain amuses herself by thinking that the dull green grass stretching before them horrifies Lys and her pampered appetite. "I truly wish you good fortune, child. Show the Watch that you are worthy of them. Throw them on their asses, if you must." He chuckles and winks. "Follow the road that forks to the right outside the city. It will take you to the Kingsroad which leads directly to Castle Black. Rhaena gives him a strong hug and mounts Lys once she exits the docks. Outside the grand white walls, she follows the Captain's directions perfectly. She rides confidently along the roads, thinking of a plan she will use to gain the trust of the Watch. What could truly gain the trust of hardened men? And it comes to her. Fighting the best they have to offer... A duel.

[Rhaena's updated titles up to this point: Lady Rhaena Velaryon, Lady of the Tides and the Dragon of the Sea.]

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