My Family - Rhaena

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     They lay together on a bed of hay in the far corner of the room, holding each other close. Rain nuzzles her face against his chest, happily feeling her body ache from their love making. It's a sweet kind of pain she's never felt before. Always, after Daemon was through with her, she felt defiled and unclean. Now, Jon made her feel wonderful. She feels like a new woman. She feels her skin glowing with a radiant aura of warmth and love. She moves her right arm over his torso to hug him tightly. Jon looks down at her and kisses the top of her silver head.

     "You know we have just done what is strictly forbidden." Rhaena teases him and looks up at him. He gazes in to her lilac eyes.

     "And we will continue to do so." He grins at her, pulling her closer to him and kissing her. She nibbles on his lower lip and the two part lips. Rain props herself up on her elbows. "I have to admit, our broken vows isn't the most pressing matter on my mind." When she raises an eyebrow at him, he looks somewhat sad. "You're not a maid?" Rain's smile fades from her face. Of course he would be able to tell. He must have wanted to be her first. Unfortunately, as much as she wishes to forget everything, her brother claimed her maidenhead. Her eyes trail away from his.

     "And it's a matter I don't wish to discuss. Besides," She looks at him again, a smirk on her face. "I can't have been your first either. One as handsome as yourself could have had all the girls he wanted."

     "I could have." He states dryly, like he's messing with her on purpose. His sly smile makes her both happy and curious. She prods his side with her finger, scrunching her face at him, wanting him to go on. "I didn't." He tells her. "Just one."

     "Then we're the same in number." She rests her head on his chest and feels him kiss the top of her head. Though beaded with sweat, his chest is comfortable. She feels so safe in his arms and closes her eyes to relax.

     Despite her insistence on not wanting to discuss, he asks again the question she dreads. "So, why is a lady of such noble birth not a virgin?" She stays silent. She opens her eyes and stares ahead.

     "I told you I didn't want to speak of it." Rain reminds him softly.

     "Not even for me?" He teases her, yet the humor is lost on her. All memories begin to flood back to her. It feels as if she's caught in a whirlpool, sucking her deeper and deeper in to her horrid thoughts. She clenches her hand in to a fist and feels tears sting her eyes. Jon's worried whisper is unheard. She sits up, scooting away from him and breathes heavily. "Rhaena." He immediately acts, going to her and holding her closely to him. The feeling of him holding her against his bare chest begins to soothe her somewhat. Her fit of panic coming to a close. "I'm sorry. I should not have asked. You told me not to but I didn't think--" He tries to apologize as Rhaena's tears stream down her face.

     "No. You should know. You have a right to know as much as I do not want to..." She says. Her words then begin to flood out of her like a river's blockage that's been removed. "My father died in King's Landing, during the Sack. He died there, not among family but among traitors. They thought him a Targaryen but he wasn't. He wasn't and they still killed him!" She pauses for a second to catch her breath. "My mother hates me. She only hates me for being trueborn. My brother? Oh, he's not trueborn. No. He holds all our mother's love because he is the seed of Aerys. Why would a mother hate her child so? Why? Why couldn't she just treat me like her own flesh and blood and not like some whore?" Another pause. Jon's hold on her tightens as he tries to comfort her. "Daemon... I can never say his name without feeling all he did to me. He raped me - his own sister. We were close, but he chose to listen to our mother's poison rather than his own sister. The stables. I was.. She watched.. She just stood there and.. She encouraged him.. Because of that I.." Rhaena finally trails off, incoherent, and is lost in her crying against Jon's shoulder.

     He likely cannot find any words to say. No one would after that. He only holds her and hugs her tightly, stroking her hair slowly. After a while, he pulls her stunned body in to a new position. He sits up against the wall on the hay, moving to hold her on his lap and in his arms. He coddles her and rocks her gently. Rain feels such love for him in this moment. Peering up, she sees him watching her as silent and stern as a rock. His face is mixed with such anger yet so much pity. His eyes seem to tell her: Don't speak. Wait until your ready. I can wait as long as needed.

     "I love you." Rhaena tells him once she feels comfortable speaking again. The words make her body tingle and his soft smile sends her heart in to a flurry, like little butterflies are fluttering in her chest and stomach.

     "And I you." Jon leans down to kiss her. Rain feels truly happy for the first time in so long. She hopes she will continue to feel like this with him for as long as possible. The feeling is amazing. She never wants it to end. She longs to stay in his arms forever like she's meant to. Unfortunately, they both know it to not be possible. "We'll be missed soon." Jon tells her, confirming what she just thought. "We can't raise suspicion."

     "I know. I wish we had more time." Rain sighs. The two savor their last few minutes together, gazing in to each other's eyes, playfully touching each other's face. Finally, Jon insists they need to get back and, reluctantly, the two gather up their leathers and dress, all the while dreaming of the next time they may meet like this again.

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