A Grim Fate - Rhaena

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It has been weeks since Torlin's departure. No scrolls informing her of his time in King's Landing, no information on if he was even coming home. Rhaena's mother told her briefly that Stannis had landed on King's Landing's shores shortly after Torlin's expected arrival there, making Rain worry even more. What if he has fallen in battle? If he did, there was no way she could know. What was she even to do if she receives word of his death - follow his advice? Go to the Wall. His rugged voice is in her head as she keeps her composure with her mother and brother in her presence. Today is when they accompany Lord Daemon to his weekly council. This is the time when they assist any of the commoners from the towns near their castle. Daemon insists that Rain sit beside him, and no matter how much she opposes, it's no use. He sits in his large throne-like teal chair, while Rain and her mother sit on either side of him, with Daemon constantly pulling Rain's chair closer to his decorated chair. Under the table before them, she feels his curious hand run over her leg.

The man now before them was let in by the guards and removes his hood. He looks like a simple farmer, but also seems troubled. His garments are tattered and a dull tan color. He has no shoes... "My Lord," He bows to Daemon and nods to Rain and Visaerya. Her mother only stares him down and Daemon is distracted by his sister. Rhaena believes she's the only one here who cares what the sickly man has to say. "I plead, My Lord, to be helped in my time of need."

Rhaena looks to her brother but he only stares at her with his blue-lavender eyes. "My Lord." She says sternly to try and snap him from his daydreaming. What he could be thinking of makes Rain shiver.

"Hmmm...?" He turns his silver topped head to the farmer slowly. "Ah, yes. How can we be of aid in these... Perilous times?"

"My Lord, my home has been robbed by thieves... My animals slaughtered... My Lord, I ask for assistance in helping me start my life again. It pains to ask, but I ask for gold..."

Daemon's smile never leaves his face even as he addresses the farmer. "Gold dragons?" He repeats and sighs through his nose. "You are but a simple farmer, are you not? That being said, what could you ever offer us that would make you any better than another farmer? If we give you the gold, what would we get in return?" His reluctance to help the farmer stuns Rhaena. It should not, being that this is who he has become. In their youth, however, he would offer any aid he could to anyone - no matter if there was nothing he could do. It was the last thing Rain admired about him, but now, that last kind bit of him is gone.

"B-but.. My Lord, I-" The farmer stutters, searching for anything that may change Daemon's mind. No, Rhaena knows her brother no matter how much she wishes she didn't. What he says goes. As if on cue, Daemon raises his hand to silence the weeping farmer and mutters to the guards.

"See him out of the castle." He lowers his hand as the guards obey, tearing the farmer away from where he stood and out of the room. Rhaena watches him go with pain in her face. Never has anyone ever asked for a brief loan - especially never with a reason so dire. That man will be another vagabond in the streets without the loan. It infuriates Rain knowing another man may yet starve on the streets.

"He asked for a simple loan. One we could have provided, but you sent him away." Rain says through clenched teeth to her brother. Turning her head to him revealed he now wore her same expression, but he looks down at the table before them. Visaerya looks rather happy, however. "We could have given him the money and still lived with our pockets full, but instead he will die on the streets!"

Visaerya chuckles. "Are you mad? Dae followed my teachings perfectly. Why help when you get nothing in return?"

"That isn't why people refuse to aid one another. Kindhearted people would not refuse to aid another unless they absolutely could not-!"

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