We Have Guests - Visaerya

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     "This castle is absolutely incredible!" Visaerya hears Caecy Celtigar cry from the hall. Dae insisted his mother come and greet them at Pearl's Eye, but she refused. She told him that she would be much more comfortable waiting within the walls of Driftmark for them to arrive as she took her seat on Daemon's throne-like chair. As she stared rather coldly at him, he gave up. He left with some few Velaryon guards. All of them, apart from the Lord, wearing that sea green and gold tinted plate while Dae took to wearing his similar colored cloak emblazoned with a golden seahorse. Visaerya never did understand the importance of a seahorse. Her House took a three-headed dragon. The Starks have direwolves. The Lannisters have lions. The Velaryons have... seahorses. They truly are as close to the sea as they claim to be, and as the weakest of sea creatures nonetheless.

     She chose her most prominently colored gown to wear today. One with long sleeves so she can clasp her hands together beneath and pinch her skin out of sight should she have to listen to that wretched girl speak for more than five minutes. Visaerya looks down at her hands already after hearing the girl in the hallway. They are balled together tightly, making her roll her eyes. It's already begun.

     At the far end of the hall, the doors open wide, allowing the sizable party to enter. Dae leads them, followed closely by Lady Caecy and Lord Vaerenthar. Caecy is in complete awe at the decorations the castle has to offer, while Vaerenthar stands straight and keeps his eyes forward. As much as she hates to admit, Caecy's brother seems a perfect fit to be a well mannered lord one day - should anything horrid happen to his father and brother. Caecy, so lost in her admiration, bumps in to Daemon when the party stops before Visaerya. The girl giggles, eliciting a chuckle from Dae. Vaerenthar bows his head nobly and smiles at Visaerya.

     "My lady. We meet again." He greets her and waits for her nod of acknowledgement before turning to Caecy. "Caecy. Formalities." He whispers to his sister, who does a swift curtsy in response before smiling brightly again. Visaerya heaves a large sigh of annoyance mentally.

     "It's a pleasure to meet you again, my lady." Says the girl. Visaerya only stares at her, visibly making her uncomfortable as her smile slowly fades and she begins to look around once more.

     "Quite." She finally responds dryly. "Although, we do meet again in my home." She stands, ignoring Daemon's warning filled glare. "You will not cause any trouble here, do you understand?"

     Caecy nods quickly, some fear trembling in her voice. "Of course, my lady." 

     Visaerya stares her down for an additional few hard, long seconds before speaking again. "Good." She glances to Daemon. "I've heard you both shall be betrothed during this visit. Shall we have a celebratory feast tonight?" Wearing her best liar-at-court's smile, she offers it to Caecy who in turn smiles brightly again.

     "I've seen to all the preparations, mother." Dae tells Visaerya, clearly seeing through her facade.  During his little growth in becoming a lord, he began to notice when she was lying more and more often. Where once she was able to fool him, now it is very doubtful. "You needn't worry about a thing."

     "Lord Daemon was about to show us to our quarters." Vaerenthar notes after a brief moment of silence. He smiles gallantly at Visaerya, offering his hand to her to help her down the small stairs before the throne. "Would like to escort us as well, my lady?" Taking his hand, she offers in return a small smile. His charming demeanor would be enough to make any woman swoon and fall at his feet. If she never had any knowledge of court, she would believe he was trying to seduce her. His personality is just what is needed in a lord. That way, things will get done with persuasion rather than commands. Visaerya knows that best.

     "I suppose so." She sighs and lets go of his hand, but he offers his arm. Rolling her eyes, she takes it. He may just be smitten, she fears. Poor boy.

     The guest chambers are a walk down the halls and up a grand staircase. The rooms are smaller than the main chambers, but still offer some luxury. The room Vaerenthar is shown is decorated with golden curtain and sheets on the bed, as well as a small balcony overlooking the ocean. Being the kind man he is, he bows his head and tells them its lovely. "I will acquaint myself with my room and meet you all for supper tonight." He smiles before turning his attention to Caecy. "Behave yourself, sister."

     "I will, Varry. I'll see you soon!" She says happily before taking Dae's arm and letting him lead her to her chambers. It is similar in color to her brother's, but she is excited nonetheless. "I love it!" She exclaims and hurries inside. Visaerya is beginning to grow sick of her presence. Dae chuckles.

     "I made sure to give you the chamber closest to my own. Down that hall and down the stairs you'll find me should you need anything else, my lady." He tells his widely smiling soon-to-be-betrothed. Visaerya plays with her fingers absently as Caecy excuses herself to get some rest before supper. The girl closes the door with a blush on her face and her eyes still glued to Dae's face. Visaerya then excuses herself and returns to her own chambers to prepare for tonight. It will take every ounce of strength she has not to fetch a poison from the maester and 'accidently' pour drops of it in to Caecy's food. She could blame the cook - she never did like him much. The little girl should be lucky that Daemon is her son, however. She only wants to see him happy, which means she must be as civil as she can be without growing ill. She tells herself that she may as well accept this. It's not like there will be anyone she will ever approve of. 


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