Ghost - Jon

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     "We need to keep a low profile," He told her after their lovely coming together. "If they so much as suspect us, both of our heads will be gone." He dressed back in to his leathers and she in to hers. It had begun to grow late. Much too late. The brothers would begin to suspect something was amiss. Rhaena was actually more than happy to keep up appearances, to pretend like they still hated each others guts. In fact, before she left ahead of him, she smacked the side of his head. Jon was startled and understood she had to get herself prepared to play the part of hateful rival, but he just couldn't help himself from bursting in to laughter. Rhaena left after rolling her eyes and he watched her go from the doorway. Near the stairwell leading back up to the mead hall, she glanced back. Jon flashed her a smile, making a deep red blush rush to her cheeks. She then retreated up the stairs. She's just... so beautiful, he thinks one last time to himself before going up the stairs some few minutes later.

 so beautiful, he thinks one last time to himself before going up the stairs some few minutes later

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     The next day, he couldn't stop himself from smiling widely when he caught a glimpse of her. She blushed when she saw him and averted her gaze quickly, so shy and so mesmerizing. Jon could hardly focus at all on his duties. All he could think about was them the night before. He hadn't felt a woman's touch for some time, he didn't think he had missed it so much. During their mid-day luncheon, he had managed to sneak a snippet of paper from the library and scrawled hastily on it. 'Wolf Kennel. Tonight' Was all he managed to fit on it. He walked by ever so inconspicuously, slipping the piece of torn paper under her hand and walking off as undetected as he was before.

 He walked by ever so inconspicuously, slipping the piece of torn paper under her hand and walking off as undetected as he was before

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     Now, he waits. Everyone has gone to bed, apart from the brothers guarding the top of the Wall and the gates of Castle Black. He hopes she comes. Why wouldn't she? Jon can't think of a reason why she wouldn't come tonight yet doubt still tugged at him. She told him she loved him, after all. The minutes pass, however, feeling like hours dragging on dreadfully slow. He begins to think that maybe this was just a fling. A one time thing that would never happen again. Maybe she just used him to get what she needed from him before she ignores him again - that her love was just a charm. The other side of his brain tells him he's being a fool. She would not have told him all about her family had she intended to just use him... Right?

     He hopes with all his heart, trying to will her to come down from where ever she may be tonight. He thinks to himself about how silly he is being. He's never felt so giddy over a girl before. Not since...

     A quiet yet sharp psst comes from the shadows, knocking him out of his day dream. Is it her? He perks up and waits, not sure if he is supposed to signal back or just wait. When he sees Rhaena's silver hair, the brightest thing in her hiding spot, he smiles. He feels his heart begin to soar and all feelings of doubt fade. "You came."

     "Hobb kept me late, I'm sorry." She says shyly. Jon approaches her, closing the gap between them and kisses her deeply. He'd been wanting to do this all day. Now that he has, he feels satisfaction run through his body. He feels her smile before he pulls away. "So, why have you asked me here tonight?"

     "I'd like to introduce you to someone. I feel as though you two haven't truly met." He smiles when her eyes widen. Vivid lilac saucers staring at him almost in terror. "You'll be fine. I promise."

     He removes the lock keeping the wooden door closed and opens it. It creaks open and rolls to a halt. Jon steps into the darkness of the enormous crate and turns his head to see if his love is following. Not much to his surprise, she isn't. She stands at the entrance of the crate, her arms held close to her body. She looks nervous. He holds his hand out to her that she takes gingerly. He didn't understand the fear in the hearts of those who had seen Ghost for the first time. He would never harm them, though they never believed it. Lock him away, they said. If he so much as lays his eyes upon someone in a hungry way, he will die. They just don't understand. Only at his command would he ever harm another person, but he grows tired of having to explain it over and over again to deaf ears.

     Jon tugs Rain in to the crate and proceeds to kneel, stretching out his hand to the darkness. "Ghost, to me." Beside him, he hears Rhaena back up slightly at the sound of the direwolf rising and trotting over. Ghost nuzzles his hand quietly, not even bothering to sniff her master as he is already so familiar to him. Ghost's red eyes look in to Jon's dark ones before darting over to Rhaena, who has taken to standing behind Jon for protection. The hair on the back of his direwolf's neck raises and he bares his teeth slightly. "Ghost." Jon warns, patting his head, immediately bringing him back down. His nostrils flare open and closed as he tries to catch Rain's scent.

     Expecting he should need to bring Rhaena out from behind him, Jon looks back. She already starts to move towards Ghost quietly on her own, holding out her hand for him to smell her. The direwolf sniffs her, cautiously at first and then growing more adventurous as he moves closer to smell her on her legs, torso, feet, even so much as trying to crane his long neck upwards to her face. Rhaena's giggle makes Jon smile and chuckle with her as Ghost starts to pant happily. "He's a very handsome wolf." Rhaena tells him while scratching the back of Ghost's ears. The direwolf licks her hand once before wandering off around the crate, having had enough of the introduction.

     "I told you that you'd be alright." Jon tells her. She looks at him and smiles. "Though, he is very protective of me. If you at all decided to raise a hand to me, then you wouldn't be fine." Rhaena groans at the thought and settles down on to the ground of the crate. Before sitting next to her, he goes to close the door, leaving it cracked just enough for some light from the torches outside to come in. "Are you ready for the coming battle?" He asks, taking her hand in his and touching her soft skin with his thumb.

     Rhaena sighs. "I've been trying to avoid thinking about it, but I know it's inevitable." She pauses before looking up at him grimly. "They told me today that I will be apart of the infantry guarding the gate. I've never been so scared before, if you want me to be honest. I've heard how ferocious the wildlings are." She inhales deeply and anxiously. Jon wraps an arm around her and feels that her body is extremely tense. If he could, he would order her to remain hidden when the battle comes, not fight in the open. His time with the free folk has taught him that they focus on the strongest first. Rain bested him in battle, making her the strongest in a way. What if they kill her?

     He pulls her closer to him, protectively. "I'll be atop the Wall." He tells her. Even in the darkly lit crate, he can see her bleak face and sad eyes that tell him everything he needs to know of how she feels about his position. "Starting tonight in fact. They need me up there when the moon is highest." They don't have much longer. Before she came, he saw the moon nearly reaching it's peak. By now, even just a few minutes later, he can feel their time is coming to a close.

     "Do you have to leave, then?" Rain asks him. He looks in to her sparkling eyes. They look much darker in such dim lighting, like deep violet pearls.

     "I do. I'm sorry." They leave the crate together after giving Ghost a loving scratch behind his ears and checking to see if the area was clear outside. Rain walks with him to the lift, not saying a word. Jon is starting to see, though, that her face speaks for her. The worry in her face tells him that she fears for both of them and the battle to come. The battle at Craster's Keep was meager in comparison to the battle that Jon knows is looming over them. On both sides lies enemies - enemies eager for the taste of blood and one in particular that will take great pleasure is torturing Rhaena should she get her hands on her. Jon ascends in the lift, watching Rhaena grow smaller and smaller. Before he left, she smiled sweetly at him. It gave him all the warmth he needs to face the blizzards that grow more frigid come nightfall. With her beautiful face in his mind, he watches the forests below, ready to give the signal should the time arise, remembering one of the things he will be fighting for.

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