Words of Wisdom - Visaerya

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     She's never grown comfortable with this room. Never in her twenty some years of living on this cursed island. There's too much moisture in the air. Gods be good she chokes as she sleeps in this humidity. The only solace she can seek here is her son, her sweet boy, and her room. Ever since the Lord's untimely passing, Visaerya took it upon herself to restyle this chamber. She has changed everything, from the green curtains to the sheets she has put on to her bed. The room glows a blood red on the black iron setting of her canopied bed and the black wood of her dressers. Colors fit for her true House, the House she yearns to be alive to this day. She runs her hands across the red silk sheets on her bed, content with them. They remind her of the sheets she used in her youth while living in King's Landing.

     In her youth, she was a Princess. Princess of these damned Seven Kingdoms and soon to be Queen of these damned Kingdoms. Had they let her marry her twin like they promised she would, surely there would have been peace and no rebellion that rose from the dark. Had they let her marry Aerys, perhaps he wouldn't have gone mad. They were inseparable. Their mother, before she died, told them stories of how they ceased their crying when laid next to each other in their cradle. Whenever moved, one longed to be with the other. Visaerya takes a deep breath and removes her hand from the bed. She opens her chamber door and leaves, seeking out her son.

     She ignores the servants passing her in the castle, only hearing their obligatory 'My Lady' and never paying a single mind to their faces. As far as she cares, they could be replaced and she wouldn't know the difference. At Daemon's chamber door, she opens the door without a knock and closes the door behind her. She sees him slumped over upon his bed, holding his head in his hands like he's done something wrong.

     "Is there something the matter, Dae?" She affectionately asks, genuinely concerned with his well being as she moves to sit next to him. She moves his hands and takes his head in her hands, examining every inch of his face. As she does so, he sighs. Upon seeing a large yellowish colored bruise on the right side of his face, Visaerya's face flares with anger. "Did she do this?"

     "...Yes." Daemon gingerly brushes his mother's hands away. "I... I'm not proud of what I'm doing to her, mother." Visaerya shushes him immediately, bringing him close to her and cradling him.

     "That little whore will learn to love you, one way or another." Visaerya snaps, quieting Dae. "Soon you two will marry and have little lords and ladies running through these halls. Won't that make you happy?" For a brief moment when Dae raises his head to look at her, she sees Aerys before her. She blinks several times and touches Dae's bruised cheek gently.

     "I suppose so..."

     "It will make you happy. If not, I can teach her a lesson myself. You are my sweet baby boy and you will have all of the happiness in this world no matter who tries to step in the way of it. I will make sure of it." Visaerya brings him again before he can object and feels his wrap his arms around her. She smiles. "She does love you. She just refuses to show you she does." She looks at him again. His blue and lavender eyes watch her, nodding and eating up every word she says. "Some believe it vile for a brother to marry his sister, but if they truly love each other the world forgets. Show her that you two will build a future together, do you understand me?"

     Daemon smiles sadly and nods at her. "I will. I love her, mother."

     "I know you do, my sweet." She rises off the bed, smoothing her dress and motioning for Dae to follow her. "Have you seen the maester yet, Dae?" He shakes his head. "Come. He must have something to hide that hideous blemish." As they walk, every little thing about him reminds her of her twin. His walk, his hair, his eyes he received from him. Every day, she is thankful for the son Aerys gave her the day of her wedding to Trysten. Trysten's noble nature allowed her to receive Aerys' seed one more time before being shipped to this cursed hell of an island. She only wishes Rhaena was born the same way, that way, just maybe Visaerya could have loved her the way she does Daemon. Trysten was a naive fool and that girl is following in his footsteps, regardless, believing her father was some heroic man. It disappoints Visaerya greatly.

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