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When Sonic woke up he felt like the tips of all of his nerves in his entire body were on fire. He groaned as he sat up and saw that he was in his room. For a moment he thought it had all been a horrible dream.

But then he saw his reflection in the full length mirror across from his bed.

He still had the black markings in his fur. He growled and fell back in his bed in annoyance. Just then his bedroom door swung opened and Chuck and Tails came in with worried looks on their faces.

"So, I guess I'm not imagining it then?" He sighed.

"Sorry Sonny-Boy, after you passed out your friends carried you home and told me everything, I sent Amy and Knuckles home but Tails here refused to leave until he knew you were alright." His uncle chuckled.

This got a small smile from the blue hedgehog.

"Are you OK?" Tails asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah Tails, I'm fine." He reassured with a grin and the kit sighed in relief.

"Um, I gotta get home, my Mom's probably worrying about me." He said to the hedgehogs before giving his best friend a hug and leaving the room. Once he was gone there was an awkward silence in the room.

"Uncle Chuck, I'm sorry about what I said early." He said with a sigh.

"It's alright Sonny-Boy." He smiled at his nephew.

"No it's not, I said some horrible things!"

Chuck just smiled and gave his nephew a hug.

"Just get some sleep, you've been through a lot today." He said before leaving the room.

Sonic sighed and snuggled back into his bed for a good night's rest...


The next morning Sonic was woken up by the smell of chilli dogs. He looked at his alarm clock and gasped when he saw that he was late for school! He quickly shot out of bed and dashed down stairs.

"Whoa Sonny-Boy, where you off to?" Uncle Chuck called when he saw his nephew rushing around looking for his school bag.

"I'm going to be late for school!" He cried.

"No you won't." He smiled and Sonic froze. "I called the school and said you were very sick and I don't know when you'll be back."

"What, why?"

"Because you need time to take in this new information about your mother, and about yourself."

Sonic sighed and slumped on the couch. Chuck smiled and sat next the the speedster. He pulled out a piece of paper and a letter before gave it to him. Sonic looked and saw an address and a name.

"Emma Nets? The creepy old cat that owns the antique and book store?" Sonic asked with confused look on his face.

"Yeah, when your mother gave you to me she also gave me that address and a said that I should take you to her and give her this , but when I did she said to come back some other time." He shrugged. "She might be able to help."

"Help with what?" Sonic asked. "All I have are some weird marks that anyone can think is tattoos and I can breath underwater; but as far as I'm concerned nothing has changed." He said and went upstairs.

Chuck sighed and went back to making some chilli dogs...

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