The Camera Never Lies

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Sonic and his friends were sat in the juice bar, watching the small TV with all the other kids in the town. On the TV was a pair of boots running across a sandy beach.

The camera then moved up to reveal a little toddler in the boots before ending.

"'Big Boot's To Fill' by Miles Prower and the winning entry for last year's junior film makers contest." The bartender chuckled as he turned the TV off and started handing out flyers for the contest.

"If we're going to win this thing we need to know all the rules." Amy said.

"Forget the rules." Sonic grinned. "It's a short film contest, we make a short film, how hard can it be?"

"Last year they rejected an entry 'cause it was seven seconds over three minutes." Tails replied and Sonic's smile dropped.

"OK film makers, this year's theme is: Heroes!" The bartender announced to the crowd. "And thanks to Sally Acorn's father, the very generous and wealthy Mayor Nigel Acorn, this year's prize money has doubled!"

Sonic looked over at Sally.

Sally was a 17 year old brown chipmunk with dark auburn hair that connected to the stripe going down her back and ending on her tail. Her face had a lighter brown patch in which her large blue eyes were settled. She wore black shorts with white rimming, dark blue boots with white outlines on the buckles and white gloves. She wore a closed blue vest with a black crop-top hidden underneath. Her tan-coloured underbelly could be seen in the her midriff.

"So your Dad's judging and sponsoring? I wonder who's gonna win?" Scourge sneered.

"If you're implying that you're an automatic loser then I'll second that." She grinned at him.

"Why does Sally's Dad gets to judge?" Amy glared. She never really liked the chipmunk and this wasn't helping.

"Probably because he's putting in all the money, and he's a local hero too." Tails said and pointed to the yellow windsurfer hung up on the wall behind the counter.

"Oh yeah, that's the windsurfer Nigel Acorn used to sail all the way to Pistris Island, all the way around and back in record time and the record's stood for 15 years." Amy explained...


When Sally got home that afternoon she saw that her mother was out and her Dad was in his office, talking to his secretary. She took a deep breath and walked in.

"Hey Dad, I've got you something." She smiled and held up a disk, but he just put his hand up to silence her.

She sighed and went over to the TV nearby and put the disk in. He hung up when he saw some pictures of him and all his achievements appear on the small screen.

"I tracked down some old photos and articles of the day you sailed around Pistris Island." She smiled when she saw she had his attention. "It wasn't easy finding these."

"To beat that record I had to dodge stingrays, sharks and total exhaustion; I broke it by thirty-five minuets." He smiled, ignoring her again.

"I got these paper articles from the library archives, took me hours." She said, her smile slowly fading.

"Can't beat natural grace." He continued with a smug smirk on his face. "You know my record will still be standing in the next 15 years."

"Somebody might brake it."

"There's no way; Pistris Island is a shark breeding ground these days, no body will ever brake my record and I'd kiss the feet of anyone could pull off what I did then and keep all of his limbs intact."...

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