Boiling Love

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Tomorrow was Valentines Day and everyone was getting ready for the festival. Every year, on Valentines Day, the entire town held a festival and a big dance for someone to find and enjoy the day with their special sweet heart.

Amy Rose hummed a happy song in her head as she tried to pick the right outfit to wear for school. She finally settled on a pink mini dress with black laced sleeves, hot pink high heels and dark pink lipstick.

As she went down stairs she saw her parents and annoying little sister sat at the table, enjoying their breakfast.

"Oh Amy, you look beautiful!" Jane smiled and gave her daughter a big hug.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Frank frowned slightly.

"She's trying impress someone." Rosy snickered under her sister's death glare. "Someone weird, smells like salty water and blue."

"Shut up!" Amy growled and gave her a swift kick under the table.


"Girls enough!" Jane frowned before smiling. "I think Sonic is a nice boy, I hope it all goes well."...


Sally hissed in frustration as she rummaged through her giant closet, trying to find something to wear. With the festival being tomorrow she was hoping that she and Sonic could go together but she just knew that Amy was on the same mission as her, so she had to be smart.

She picked out a glittering baby blue tank top with black pants and navy blue shoes.

As she exited the closet she cried out when she suddenly tripped on a marine biology book. Ever since the incident with Emma's boat, she had been having nightmares of being trapped in that boat and seeing that tail fin again.

"Sally, breakfast is ready." Nigel called down and she quickly rushed downstairs. When she entered the kitchen she saw her brother with his nose in a computer and her father serving up some eggs and bacon.

When Nigel saw what his son was looking at he scowled.

"Are you still looking up fish?"

"There's something out there Dad, it saved me and Sally when we were trapped in that boat!" Elias argued.

"Oh yes, and I suppose it wasn't dark and you two weren't low on oxygen?"

"Well... I..."

"I rest my case!" The older male glared before storming off to see to work. Sally just kept her head down and ate her breakfast silently...


That afternoon Sonic and his friends were in the school cafeteria, trying to enjoy the slop they were served. While Sonic was in the line, Amy and Sally took one look at each other and a silent glaring match instantly began.

Tails and Knuckles shifted nervously in their seats, unsure what to do. The second Sonic sat down the girls stopped and smiled at him.

"So, you guys looking forward to the festival tomorrow?" Tails quickly asked.

"No." The blue hedgehog glared at his lunch tray.

"Why not?!" Amy exclaimed.

"Uncle Chuck's setting me up with a blind date with some friend's daughter or something, I think her name's Elise Hope." He sighed.

"I know her, her Dad's one of the leading minds behind the science committee, I met her once when I was a kid at a charity ball but she was really shy and spent most of the day glued to her Dad's side." Sally added, deep in thought.

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