Catch Of The Day

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It night now and everyone had either gone to bed or were relaxing at home. Amy was washing dishes since it was her turn while her parents, Frank Rose and Jane Rose, were watching a documentary about sharks.

Amy was very scared of sharks and had been ever since she was a little kid.

Frank Rose was a crimson red hedgehog with jade green eyes and a tanned muzzle. He owned his own fishing company that brought in most of the town's fish supply.

Jane Rose was a white mouse with snowy white fur, a light peach muzzle and blue eyes. She owned a small florist store in town called 'Rose Petals'.

"Nasty." Frank frowned when a great white shark came onto the scene. "You don't want to mess with one of them."

"Have you ever seen a great white?" Jane smiled as she cuddled closer to her husband.

"Only once, took half my catch for the day and shredded my net." He glared. "You don't wanna mess with them, they'll rip you into tiny bits; Amy, come here and check this out."

Amy quickly walked into the living room and her dad pointed at the TV.

"This is the best part, the feeding frenzy." He grinned as multiple sharks attacked and ate a large school of fish.

"How can you even watch this stuff?" She glared in disgust and stormed out the room.

She really hated sharks...


Early the next morning Tails and Knuckles got on their wet suits and diving gear before they went diving off the coast of town.

They were searching for some good looking sea shells for Amy so she can finish a dress she was making.

They loved all the fish that swam around them and all the beautiful corals.

By the time they were done they had a bag full of gorgeous sea shells for Amy...


That lunch the four friends went to meet up at their favourite juice bar by the docks. Amy, Tails and Knuckles were sat in their usual booth as hey waited for Sonic to join them.

"You guys these shells are amazing, they're just what I need!" She grinned as she looked over all the shells they had got her. She then noticed Sonic walking towards them.

"Hey Sonic, look at all these shells they brought me."

"Cool." He said as he sat next to her.

"You should of come with us." Knuckles said. "You could of gotten way more better ones 'cause you're a... you know."

"So has anyone been able to finish that calculus homework?" Sonic quickly asked, changing the subject. "Question seven's a pain in the neck."

The others sighed. Sonic still wanted to ignore the fact that he was a sea fae, well, half one at least.

"And that project on Biology is in Thursday, we really need to get together on that one."

"Listen Sonic, whatever's happened to you is incredible, you've got to get to the sea 'cause the water is amazing." Tail pleaded.

"I'm not doing it OK?!" He snapped. "I didn't ask for any of this to happen to me so stop bugging me about; I've never liked the water and I never will!" He glared and revved out of the bar.

"Wonder what's up with him." Scourge mocked from across the bar. The three friends ignored the green hedgehog and went back to their drinks. The barmaid suddenly turned on the radio.

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