Party Animals

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Sonic and the gang laughed and joked as they sat in their usual booth in the cafe. Ever since the incident with Eolas, Tais had rarely asked Sonic to show him anymore of his sea fae powers, feeling guilty for Sonic's sudden wild act.

"So, have we decide what time is the party tonight?" Sonic smiled and Amy glared at him, which he just smirked off. "Ames, this is a tradition we're talking about."

"I know, but I just don't see how we can have the party this year not with the recently developments." Amy replied as she gave him a nervous glance.

"What party?" Knuckles asked.

"Every year my Mom throws a party for me, only this year it's not happening because Sonic can't come; can't have heaps of people and drinks filling and tails appearing." She explained as she avoided Sonic's glare.

"When was this party suppose to be?" Tails asked.

"Tonight." She sighed.

"Look Amy, I know your scared for me, and 'cause of that you're scared of having your own party, I'm not scared of every drop of water I see and I can handle it, if I haven't been caught at work where I'm surrounded by water everyday then I can handle a party." Sonic reassured his friend.

Amy stared at him for a moment, thinking, before she smiled and pulled out her phone.

"Hi Mom, I need you to start texting the invitations yes, all the people in the list." She smiled. Within a minute, almost all the teens in the cafe were looking at their cellphones and chatting about the invitations they had gotten.

"Hey, party at Amy's, did you get one?" Breezie asked Fiona, who was glaring at the gang from the otherside of the cafe.

"Why would I go to her stupid party anyway?" She growled before an idea and a sinister smile crept onto her face. "Why don't we go, you and me?"

"I don't think you're invited." Breezie pointed out.

"Come on, who needs an invitation?"...


That evening Sonic and the boys went over to Amy's house to help her get ready for the party. When they got there they saw Amy and her mother preparing the food for the party.

"Are you sure people are gonna go for these?" Sonic asked as he held up one of the dozen of sealed plastic bottles.

"Sure, people will love them, individual bottles and it's lid will mean no spills." She smiled as her mom left.

"And these?" Tails asked as he pointed to the piles of towels all around them.

"I'll just say my Mom was doing the washing." She shrugged as her mother returned.

"The room looks great." She smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hang around."

"Thanks Mom." Amy smiled.

"I'll make myself scarce, you have fun." She smiled as she left upstairs and seconds later the guests began to arrive. Amy smiled and happily greeted them as they started to flood the downstairs.

Sonic and his two best friends just laughed a little before going to help themselves to the food waiting in the kitchen. As the last of the guests started to get settled in the living room, Amy was about to shut the door when someone's boot suddenly blocked it.

She opened the door again and groaned when she saw it was Breezie and Fiona.

"Breezie, fancy seeing you here, it's a delightful surprise and Fiona, I haven't see you in ages." She said with a forced smile. As they walked into the crowd, Amy went to find the boys. She found them in the kitchen, glaring daggers and Fiona and Breezie.

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