Dr. Danger

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Sonic smirked as he quickly hid behind some corals as he watched Tails paddling around, examining the reef. When the kitsune said he wanted to examine some of the reefs and fish around Pistris Island, the hedgehog happily agreed to come with him.

As they paddled around in the water, it seemed the fox had forgotten about him.

But that gave the hybrid a sinister idea. He waited until the fox was distracted by some turtles happily paddling passed before the hedgehog suddenly lunged forward and grabbed his best friend by the shoulders.

He burst out laughing when Tails started freaking out.

Tails wiped around and was ready to swim away, think it was a shark or something, but glared when he saw it was just Sonic laughing at him. The younger male quickly swam to the surface with his friend following close behind.

"Caught you!" Sonic laughed as Tails removed his snorkel mask.

"Did you now?" He frowned but started laughing with his friend.

"Wanna go to the moon pool?" Sonic asked as he looked to the island.

"Sure, I'll just get out and walk around." He smiled and went to put his mask back on before Sonic stopped him.

"I know a shortcut." He smirked before diving down. Tails quickly put his mask back and followed his buddy. As they swam, Tails kept a good grip on Sonic's shoulder as the blue hybrid swam through the small entrance under the water.

As soon as they surfaced in the moon pool Tails quickly pulled himself up and at on the sandy floor next to the pool as Sonic leaned against the edge. The two best friends laughed, joked and splashed each other before they decided that they'd had enough.

After using his powers to dry Tails and himself off and regain his legs, Sonic walked with Tails back to the beach where the kitsune's boat was docked.

"So, you got everything you need?" Sonic asked as Tails put everything in the boat.

"Yeah, that and a heart attack." He glared.

"Uh, yeah, sorry about that buddy." He chuckled nervously and Tails looked like he was about to say something when he stopped and looked to the sea behind Sonic. He quickly pulled out a pair of binoculars from his bag and looked out to a boat not far from the coast.

"That's Maria Robotnik's boat." He gasped...


Immediately after they made it back to the town, Sonic went to tell Amy and Knuckles about Maria Robotnik's return while Tails went to confront the blonde doctor himself. Sonic soon found them hanging out in Amy's living room, playing video games.

"About time you guys got back; where's Tails?" Amy asked as they paused the game.

"OK, I don't wanna alarm you, but we've got trouble." Sonic growled. "What's-her-face is back in town."

"You're gonna have to be a more specific." Knuckles frowned.

"You know, the blonde human who ran off into the sunset with the sample of my DNA, the marine biologist!" He exclaimed and the other two Mobians shared nervous looks.

"So what's Dr. Robotnik doing back here?" Amy asked.

"I don't know, but her boat was anchored off Pistris Island this afternoon." He sighed as he sat down, thinking...


Tails anxiously swallowed the heavy lump in his throat as he walked through the docks, towards Maria's boat. He hadn't had any contact with the scientist since he had deleted her research on Sonic's DNA and she'd left the town.

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