Dark Moon

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Sonic groaned in pain and exhaustion as he sat up in his bed. He felt like he had been in a boxing match with Knuckles and then been run over by an eighteen wheeler truck. He remembered that Emma had said that he would feel bad one today.

The day of the dark moon. The day where all his sea fae powers and his ability to transform; the only thing from sea fae side that he kept was the ability to breath under water. He slowly got out of bed and stumbled down the stairs, still in his pyjamas.

Down in the kitchen, Uncle Chuck was humming to himself as he set the table from breakfast. When he saw his nephew wasn't ready to go to school he frowned and crossed his arms.

"Why aren't you ready for school?"

"Uncle Chuck, I don't feel right." He moaned as he slumped into a chair.

"Sonic, you can't just decided not to go to school because your powers are drained." He frowned. "It'll be like this every month, and if you keep taking a day off school once a month eventually someone will notice."

Sonic wanted to argue but he knew Chuck was right. With another groan he got up and went up to get changed...


"Whoa, you look horrible." Amy grimaced when she saw the blue hedgehog. His clothes were crumpled, his normally neat quills were a mess and his was sweating like a pig.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Tails frowned.

"I wish, but Uncle Chuck said if I kept taking a day off school every month someone would notice." He yawned as he rested his head on his desk. Amy and Tails sighed as Sonic started to fall asleep.

Suddenly the teacher burst into the classroom with the bang. He saw Sonic asleep on his desk and frowned as he walked over to him. When he still got no response his slammed his books on the desk, scaring poor Sonic half to death.

"Stay awake please Mr. Maurice." He said before walking awake...

Later that day, everyone was gathered in the drama hall for their lesson but Sonic still felt terrible. As the day had slowly progressed he started to feel extremely dizzy, tired and increasingly light headed.

His friends were getting worried and said he should go home, but he was adamant that his was fine and he could last the day. Just as he was about to fall asleep again, the drama teacher burst in with with smile on her face and a spring in her step.

She seriously wasn't helping Sonic's headache.

"Alright now children, today I want you all to partner up and start role playing." She happily chirped and everyone groaned. She didn't seemed to notice however and pulled out a box of cheap costumes and told them all to grab a costume and begin.

Sonic pulled out a dog costume, Amy a nurse, Knuckles a wrestler, Tails a mechanic, Scourge an officer, Breezie a princess, Fiona an angel and Sticks as a caveman. Their drama teacher told them to partner up.

Amy with Tails, Knuckles with Breezie and Sticks with Fiona. Sonic groaned as he was forced to partner up with Scourge, who just smirked.

"Alright mutt, get down and beg." He mocked as they began. Sonic responded with an angry growled, which earned him a smack across the muzzle.

"Bad mutt." Scourge laughed, but the smack seemed to be the tipping pointed for Sonic. His vision became very blurred and everything seemed to be spinning. The green hedgehog frowned in confusion when he saw the dazed look on his face and he started to sway slightly.

He gasped when Sonic suddenly collapsed to the ground with a thud.

"SONIC!" His friends cried as they rushed to his side and the teacher called an ambulance...

The young blue hedgehog groaned in pain as he returned to his senses. He slowly opened his eyes but quickly closed them again with he was blinded by a strong, white light. As his eyes adjusted to the light he saw that he lying in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm.

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