The Big Chill

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Amy smiled as she wiped down the counter at the Juice Bar. It was her first week at her new job there and she was having a great time as it got her out of the house and it took her mind off somethings.

As she continued cleaning tables and completing orders, John the manager was watching her very closely, and he was impressed by what he saw.

"Amy." He smiled as he walked over to her. "I'm glad I took you on for this job, your organisation skills are just the thing I've been needing to keep this place running smoothly."

"Well, I'm very good at organising." She smiled.

"Listen, I need to head out of town for a convention for the weekend and I was wondering if you'd be able to hold the fort until I get back?"

"A-Are you serious?!" Amy smiled. "Yes! Yes, I would love to do that!"

"Good, and if you feel like you might need to hire someone to give you a hand then feel free."

"Oh that won't be necessary John, I got this."...


That afternoon they all met up at Amy's house to hang out and watch movies together. As Sonic and Knuckles made themselves some pot noodles in her kitchen, Amy and Tails were in the living room picking out movies and talking about her new 'promotion'.

"Does this mean you can give us free smoothies?" The kitsune smiled innocently.

"No, it means you get a small discount." She giggled. "And I feel honoured that John's letting me handle everything by myself."

"So your going to be managing it all on your own?"

"That's what I just said."

"I know but he really expects you to get up at like 7am to manage the deliveries, maintain the cafe, deal with the finances, take care of the customers and get all their orders right and then finally lock up at like 10 as well as balance out you school work, all on your own?"

"I-I hadn't thought about that." She admitted, she may of liked responsibility but this was pushing it. "I guess I have no choice but to call John and tell him I can't do it."

"Wait! Why not let someone help you, since your the manager now can't you hire somebody?"

"Well, yeah, but who am I gonna find on such short notice?"

"You could ask Sonic." Tails smiled. "With his speed and powers over water he'd be a great employee, he can handle the orders and the stocks while you deal with the rest."

"Well that's a good idea but... does Sonic have full control of his powers yet, it's that with what happened at the exams I don't want it happening at my new job."

"Relax, he's come along way and what choice do you have?" He asked as Sonic and Knuckles came back.

"What you guys talking about?" The blue hedgehog asked as they sat down.

"Amy's decided to take you on for the weekend." Tails smiled as Amy glared daggers at him.

"Really?" He asked and Amy looked up at him. She couldn't just shoot him down like that and he really need a distraction as much as she needed it.

"S-Sure." She forced a smile.

"Cool." He grinned before the movie started...


The next morning Sonic and Amy were up bright and early to get to work.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly at first, the customers were happy as they chattered and drank their juice, the freezer in the back of the cafe that was full of juice and ice creams was working fine and, much to Amy's relief, Sonic's powers had cause little to no problems.

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