Moon Spell

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Amy sighed in irritation as she watched her little sister tying up balloons around the house. It was their Dad's birthday and she wanted everything to be just right for him.

"Make sure you tie those tight, it has to be a double knot." She explained, but she quickly glared when she saw that they were black balloons. "We can't have those!"

"Sorry." Rosy sighed.

"It's a party Rosy, a happy and cheerful party!" She ranted. Just then the front door opened and Knuckles and Tails walked in.

"I can't believe you organised this whole thing by yourself." Tails said as they walked into the kitchen.

"Have I told you about the sea food?"

"Only twenty five times." Knuckles shrugged when he saw the buffet on the kitchen counter.

"My Dad got it fresh, and it's his very best stuff." She smiled but frowned. "Where's Sonic, isn't he supposed to be bring his uncle's best chilli dogs?"

"Oh yeah, he's at work right now, but we'll meet him in the bar later."...


Sonic sighed happily as he listened to the families enjoying the rides, animals and the warm sun while he worked the snack bar. Just as he was done serving another family some chilli dogs when his boss walked over.

"Hey there Sonic, some old lady came around the office earlier and told me to give this to you, said it was urgent." She said and handed him a note and a notebook before walking away.

He looked at the note and recognised it as Emma Nets' handwriting.

-Hello Sonic, sorry to dash off like this but I'm going out of town for the next three days. I just wanted to give you a very important warning: Don't ever talk to sea perch, you can't trust those fish; now this is the most important one, you must not look at the moon's eye or it's reflection, the full moon is dangerous for young sea fae like yourself and when it's out get somewhere wet, like a bath or pool.

Sonic looked confused by the letter but just went back to work...


"This makes no sense." Sonic told his friends when they met up at the juice bar. He had just finished telling the about the note while Tails was reading the book, trying to find answers.

Unfortunately it was in a language he had never seen before.

"Why does it say that you shouldn't talk to fish and the moon's dangerous?" Knuckles asked.

"Maybe she's had a bit too much sun; what do you think of these?" Amy grinned as she reached into her bag and pulled out a red shoes with multi-coloured gemstones on the front.

"Cool." Sonic shrugged...


That night everyone were gathering at Amy's house for the party. The place was covered with confetti, streamers and balloons. While Amy was greeting people at the others were fidgeting in their outfits.

Sonic was wearing an open, light brown jacket in addition to his regular attire, with the exception of his brown neckerchief.

Tails wore a yellow and black-striped butterfly.

Knuckles was wearing a white jacket with a bolo tie.

Amy wore a soft purple tiered dress with light purple circles on it, a light purple waist band, white evening gloves, a small purse, and black medium-heeled shoes.

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